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Is Brain Tree worth it?

Sun Jan 30, 2005 1:07 pm

Have you completed his quest lately? How much did you spend on the 2 Esophagor quests and how much did you get?

I haven't done any quests for a long long time, but I wanted to try them again.
I completed a Brain Tree quest yesterday and the day before that(actually, for the first time... o_o; )

On friday spent about 500 nps and I got back about 1000nps and an item worth (only) 500nps.
But yesterday, I spent about 1k, got more than 3k from the money tree and an item that I sold for almost 8k. So that's over 10,000nps to me, not that bad. :)

Your experiences?

Sun Jan 30, 2005 1:13 pm

In a word :x no.

I always spend np to get the first answer and then go back to find the second answer required something which is an unbuyable or as good as. Only now I have given up on quests. The outcomes just aren't worth it any more. The prizes aren't as good as they used to be and the amount that you need to spend is going up and up all the time.

Do them for fun not for np.

Sun Jan 30, 2005 1:16 pm

get him as a challenger and then stop since he rarely gives you useful things


Sun Jan 30, 2005 1:17 pm

Oh and one more thing...

Could it be possible that you have a higher chance of getting random events when you complete quests?

Because I get random events... VERY rarely. Like once a month maybe, though I come to neopets every day.
And on the past few days I am getting more, right when I started to do quests, and they have all been "good" random events (congratulations, you have just found 20np on the floor!!!! *maybe just six more zeros, pretty please?*)

There MUST BE some kind of "good or bad rating" which determines how many and what kind of events you get, like some have been saying..

Sun Jan 30, 2005 1:18 pm

I usually dont do brain tree quests that are worth more than 3k, since most halloween foods are either really cheap, worth around 3k, or more than 20k.

Snow faerie quests are worth it. I usually get either my money back or win a good profit. Dont do them if they are worth more than 5k ( I like doing her quests even if I lose money) but you can go with the 3k plan as the brain tree/esophagor.

I dont do any other quests.


Sun Jan 30, 2005 1:18 pm

I guess I was just lucky, then? because the esophagor asked for cheap items and the brain tree gave good items...

Sun Jan 30, 2005 1:21 pm

I haven't done any Taelia quests because the items that she asks for usually cost alot..
What have you gotten from her then? Um, Neggs?

Sun Jan 30, 2005 1:33 pm

I rarely do Taelia quests, because for me, she almost always asks for something very expensive, and gives almost nothing in return. So it is definitely risky, but if it pays off, it's worth it, I suppose.

Sun Jan 30, 2005 3:10 pm

But what about the random events?

Sun Jan 30, 2005 3:15 pm

ladysnowlynx wrote:I rarely do Taelia quests, because for me, she almost always asks for something very expensive, and gives almost nothing in return. So it is definitely risky, but if it pays off, it's worth it, I suppose.

She wasn't like that before she got frozen, I used to be able to do a few of her quests but I think the price of chocolates sky-rocketed so now it's harder. I don't do brain tree quests because the esophagor always asks for somehting expensive but when i do esophagor quests on their own they can be quite cheap with a good reward. I'm not sure if doing more quests gives you more random events but over the past few weeks I have been getting more.

Sun Jan 30, 2005 3:19 pm

So she has gotten harder? A real shame I wasn't around before she became so hard, then. Oh, well. I will just try to do the quests I can and hope for the best.

Sun Jan 30, 2005 3:44 pm

Doing any quest is worth it as long as you do them that cost less then what the quest giver would give you.

Tealia - usually gives out a max of 2500 so don't spend more then 2000
Edna - usually hands out 200 and some dumb item don't spend more then 100
Esophagor - Gives out stuff randomly that cast different amounts, don't go over 200
Brain Tree - Gives out a max of 7500 and maybe even a cool bd weapon like brain tree mace, don't spend more then 2000.
Island Chef - His is random but it is a way to train, don't spend more then 1500

Sun Jan 30, 2005 3:48 pm

WEll people can think it is but I think any quest where you spend more then you get it worthless.

Sun Jan 30, 2005 7:38 pm

I have broken ever once or twice. That is all.

Sun Jan 30, 2005 7:41 pm

travisg2006 wrote:Doing any quest is worth it as long as you do them that cost less then what the quest giver would give you.

Tealia - usually gives out a max of 2500 so don't spend more then 2000
Edna - usually hands out 200 and some dumb item don't spend more then 100
Esophagor - Gives out stuff randomly that cast different amounts, don't go over 200
Brain Tree - Gives out a max of 7500 and maybe even a cool bd weapon like brain tree mace, don't spend more then 2000.
Island Chef - His is random but it is a way to train, don't spend more then 1500

Thats not entirely true.

Taelia - Usually gives 500-3000, sometimes she gives you rare neggs and other rare items.

I have gotten on the high score board for Brain Tree once, I belive my reward was something like... 14k?
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