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Popups! *hugecoughingfit*

Wed Jan 19, 2005 8:13 pm

I have been suspecting a popup I've been getting was coming from Neopets. I told myself it wasn't true. My friends (some of whom have gotten the same popup) told me it wasn't true. I was unable to verify it until I was working on my gallery account in the Opera browser.

This is the popup I get:
Hmm, notice how it closes all on its own? If you're clicking a lot on Neo and don't see it pop up, it will quietly disappear without you ever really realizing it. And if you did see it and want to try and connect it to Neo, you'll have to get clever and check your History to even see where it came from because it closes itself before you can really check it out.

I couldn't link it to any ad banner. While in the Opera browser just now it got hung up and I couldn't even refresh. Guess what the status bar say? Yup, you guessed it, "Completed request to". I have pretty much everything turned off in Opera because I only use it for my gallery account, and because everything is turned off I think it's getting hung up on that popup. It's amazing how many doubled banners I am seeing in Opera (GIF only, Flash is turned off).


My computer is clean. I have been cleaning it and checking it every day for the past week because of this single popup that appears only on Neopets. I have absolutely no adware/spyware infecting my computer. Opera can't have been affected by anything because Neopets is the ONLY place I visit in Opera.

*pokes Adam*

If I am wrong, then I...well, now I'm pretty sure I'm not wrong :-/ Now, if someone knows that this popup is not caught by the major adware/spyware programs and is not coming from Neopets, let me know and tell me how to fix it.

Runedit:The URL was strecting the page, reduced it to a link

Wed Jan 19, 2005 8:19 pm

Well, I dunno what to tell ya. Firefox just blocks all my popups XD
Last edited by OmniIcyshelf on Wed Jan 19, 2005 8:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Jan 19, 2005 8:23 pm

Hmm I haven't gotten any popups at all lately, not one Neopets or anywhere else. I guess we should try to see if anyone else is having similar problems.

Wed Jan 19, 2005 8:23 pm

Hm... so your quite sure your getting it from Neo? Might want to report it... but I've never seen it before. Maybe its something you only get on Opera? Because I use IE...

Wed Jan 19, 2005 8:24 pm

Err, no. The pop-ups aren't coming from Neopets itself. They're coming from the ads, which are iFrames. iFrames display a regular HTML page from the advertiser's website that displays the banner ads, rotating them. The pop-up is probably coming from the advertiser's website.

So, technically, it isn't coming from Neopets, but Neopets is allowing it to happen. Best thing to do is submit a bug report about it. Adam said that there shouldn't be any pop-ups (he said this on this forum) and if there are, then the sponsor is violating their contract with TNT.

Wed Jan 19, 2005 8:29 pm

winter wrote:Err, no. The pop-ups aren't coming from Neopets itself. They're coming from the ads, which are iFrames. iFrames display a regular HTML page from the advertiser's website that displays the banner ads, rotating them. The pop-up is probably coming from the advertiser's website.

So, technically, it isn't coming from Neopets, but Neopets is allowing it to happen. Best thing to do is submit a bug report about it. Adam said that there shouldn't be any pop-ups (he said this on this forum) and if there are, then the sponsor is violating their contract with TNT.

Alright, they're coming from the ads then? I still haven't gotten any yet. o_O I use internet exporer. I'll keep on the look out for them though. I would suggest sending in a report about it so TNT becomes aware of it.

Wed Jan 19, 2005 8:35 pm

winter wrote:Err, no. The pop-ups aren't coming from Neopets itself. They're coming from the ads, which are iFrames.

Exactly. Just didn't feel I needed to explain that bit ;)

I submitted a bug report 2-3 days ago but wasn't sure then if it was coming from their ads.

I could only finally connect it to Neopets because Opera hung up when that popup tried to get through. The Special K ad appeared twice, and the status bar said what I stated above. I have noted the popup occuring with 3 other ad banners, which is the main reason I was unsure where the popup was coming from. It's separate from the ad banner.


I have everything blocked in Firefox, and most everything blocked in IE. I just added this to my list for IE so I won't be getting the popup again, but that only takes care of the problem on my end.

I know how furious Adam was when PPT'ers proved the original ad banners were generating popups. Since most PPT'ers are probably using Firefox and/or blocking the ads, I really doubt most of you will ever see the popup. It's only because I use IE for the shop wiz and hadn't fully blocked everything that I saw it.

Wed Jan 19, 2005 8:52 pm

I've gotten that pop-up before, so you're not the only one. I was a bit annoyed that it was from neopets, since they said there would not be any pop-ups allowed. I submitted a bug report, so I'm hoping that will help, since I knew the pop-ups were because of something on the neopets page.

Thu Jan 20, 2005 12:00 am

Ugh, you had me scared for a moment there! I'm hope you're all right in thinking that the pop up was just from some stupid ad. 'Twill be a dark, dark day when Neo pops up and ad on my computer screen.

Thu Jan 20, 2005 12:23 am

I have not seen this pop-up, I do use IE mostly via my ISP which has a good pop-up blocker. Also have security/privacy/cookie handling custom set. Who me? Paranoid?

Anyway, people who are seeing this specific pop-up - it's coming from something called amch.questionmarket? I'm wondering if that's what would show up if you view source for the page itself you're on. Like that's how I found out which ad was trying to install and run an Active X on my computer.

Is that possible to do in Opera? Or any other browser where people may be getting this pop-up? If so, and you can, save it to notepad and send that in with a bug report - what ad, who the ad's from and the pop-up it's causing.

I take spyware very seriously, it's at least as bad as getting a virus anymore - in some cases wose. A friend of mine got that awful Doom virus? We were able to get rid of that in under an hour. On the other hand, I got a drive-by toolbar from a site with i-frames - it took about a week of working with the nice techs at netintegration to finally get rid of all the components.

Thu Jan 20, 2005 12:29 am

I would assume that it was not from Neo but from some other website that may be doing it that may be related to Neo or possibly one of its sponsers. I haven't seen it because I a pop-up blocker but that still is starnge o_O

Thu Jan 20, 2005 1:48 am

I got the same exact pop-up a few minutes ago. :|

Thu Jan 20, 2005 1:55 am

GO FIREFOX! :D No popups for me, but well that's just it. It's only me and a few other people who don't get these popups. A lot of other people won't be too happy about this.

But hey, think of it this way: when Adam finds out, this'll be one less annoying banner we have to block.

I swear, these damn banners cause so many problems :x

Thu Jan 20, 2005 3:41 am

the_mongoose2020 wrote:I would assume that it was not from Neo but from some other website that may be doing it that may be related to Neo or possibly one of its sponsers. I haven't seen it because I a pop-up blocker but that still is starnge o_O

Hate to differ, but I got a pop up while being on Neo the other day--and I was on no other website prior to that and had run Pest Patrol and McAfee immediately to going on Neo. So, I had a perfectly clean computer prior to going to Neo that day.

The pop up was connected to one of the banner ads that Neo runs at the top. I clicked on my till and got a pop up asking me to complete a survey. This popup was from the same cookie I haven gotten while on Neo in the past (and if you don't think you get cookies from Neo, download Pest Patrol and do an advanced screening for cookies sometime). Granted, it wasn't from Neo "per se," but it was still from the ads that Neo allows on its website. Same difference, as far as I am concerned.
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