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"Held over"

Mon Jan 17, 2005 7:44 pm

I just got this response (after a couple of hours, impressively quick!) from the NT:

Dear HollyPop,

Thank you for submitting to the Neopian Times. Currently your submission (I've removed the title - no idea stealing!!!) is being held over and may be considered for future publication in the Neopian Times. There is no need to submit your submission again, as it is saved by the editor.

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team

Has anyone else had an article "held over", and if so, was it published? I hope it gets in :(

Mon Jan 17, 2005 8:13 pm

o_O I've never heard of/seen that response. I wonder if it is a fairly new method, maybe an alternative the "there are too many good entries" response? Hmm... interesting. I hope your's gets in!

Mon Jan 17, 2005 9:08 pm

After sending in a sprite comic I specially made for the NT time and again, they gave me that message and have are pretty much using it as an excuse to not let me send them anymore entries. Apparently neopets is prejudice against sprite comics...

Mon Jan 17, 2005 9:38 pm

I got that message just this morning actually.

You do still stand a chance to get in. Maybe someone sent in an article similar to yours and they want to wait a bit longer before they bring out that idea again. Or maybe the quota for the next issue has been filled up.

But it could mean waiting a few issues for it to happen.

TNT also has a flat out rejection response so this "held over" message is the next best thing if you are not accepted right away.

Tue Jan 18, 2005 2:21 pm

bdd1 wrote:After sending in a sprite comic I specially made for the NT time and again, they gave me that message and have are pretty much using it as an excuse to not let me send them anymore entries. Apparently neopets is prejudice against sprite comics...

So if you try to send something else in, it won't let you?

Tue Jan 18, 2005 3:30 pm

HollyPop wrote:
bdd1 wrote:After sending in a sprite comic I specially made for the NT time and again, they gave me that message and have are pretty much using it as an excuse to not let me send them anymore entries. Apparently neopets is prejudice against sprite comics...

So if you try to send something else in, it won't let you?

You should be able to continue sending in your work. The autoform shouldn't block you out just because you have a story that's held over. :)

Tue Jan 18, 2005 4:11 pm

It most likely means you have a chance of being published in a future issue, but that either the current issue was full, or it's more appropriate for a future spoecial issue. I've gotten that message a few times.

The editor might also have a question about something in the article that she had to look into, or ask about.

bdd1 wrote:After sending in a sprite comic I specially made for the NT time and again, they gave me that message and have are pretty much using it as an excuse to not let me send them anymore entries.

Most comics sent into the NT are specially made for the NT. ;) You have to change the title to submit more comics. If you're sending in three comics, just call them Sprite Comic Wackyness 1, Sprite Comic Wackyness 2, and Sprite Comic Wackyness 3. At least then if you get rejections, you'll know which one it was. You won't know if they all have the same title. I don't think it helps your entry to send it in multiple times. Unfortunately you have to be a little patient.

HollyPop wrote:So if you try to send something else in, it won't let you?

Make sure it has a different title.
Last edited by Kess on Thu Jan 27, 2005 6:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Jan 27, 2005 12:56 pm

*Sniff* it just came back as rejected :/

Thu Jan 27, 2005 4:28 pm

Sorry. Curious: what was the reason for the rejection?

Thu Jan 27, 2005 4:30 pm

"Too many good entries this week" :/

I've sent it in again, can only hope really.

Thu Jan 27, 2005 4:47 pm

I sent a comic on Saturday or Sunday and didn't get a reply. I wonder if they recieved it.

Thu Jan 27, 2005 4:49 pm

Awww I'm sorry. :(

Don't give up though. If that story/article didn't work, write another one.

Also, if you haven't signed checked out this place yet, you might want to.

I've learned quite a bit about what helps you get in and what doesn't. And the members are friendly. :)

Thu Jan 27, 2005 4:49 pm

Lucky in so many ways... I've stopped getting rejection letters o_O

It's really getting annoying since i've been trying for 2 months and its a good game strategy article....
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