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They won't admit...

Sun Jan 16, 2005 7:06 pm

Don't you hate it when people don't admit their wrongs?
My friend just wrote an e-mail saying how she was frozen and that she hated Neopets. But she was using various different accounts to make extra neopoints. I wrote a lengthy e-mail back explaining that it was her fault and I think she's going to be mad==But it WAS her own fault...
I mean, I'm sorry but I'm not going to be totally sympathetic if she's frozen for a good reason and cry about it....
I hope she doesn't get mad at me though. I mean, if Neopets makes us not be friends anymore or just get into an argument, that's pretty my opinion at least. :roll:

Sun Jan 16, 2005 7:11 pm

If I become you, I'll completely ignore her. :)

Sun Jan 16, 2005 7:11 pm

Dear Neopets, I am not guilty of anything, so please unfreeze all 10 of my accounts....

I have heard it before. People who DO cheat don't want to admit it. Youn know the truth. Being honest about it to your friend is a good thing. If your friend cannot be honest too, then maybe you should stop being friends.

Sun Jan 16, 2005 7:22 pm

I think you should just stay away from her, and then in a few weeks see how she is. Maybe by then she will have forgotten about it, or at least not be so mad. If she is still mad at you, then maybe you could try to tell her that neopets is just a game, and if you get frozen it's not the end of the world! If she doesn't listen, then, I think you should do what Stampsyne said-maybe you should stop being friends with her. :(

Sun Jan 16, 2005 9:17 pm

Yeah, that would be a good idea, you should really just tell her its a game, and its just her fault in the first place. If she hates Neopets because she cheated on it, then she doesnt need to play Neopets, she can go cheat on another pet site.

He he, when I posted my last post, I was like wheres all the replies concerning if Neo can IP track or not? Then I self deleted my own post :P

Mon Jan 17, 2005 12:55 am

It's human nature to hate being wrong, but when you clearly break the rules, you really shouldn't fight for your account back. All you'll do is create a bad rep with neopets and they have the ability to not e-mail you an account verifyer when you make a new account (this HAS been proven, although they only use it in the worst cases, i.e. neopets falling in love :evil: ).

As it turns out...

Mon Jan 17, 2005 1:29 am

Hmm, as it turns out, I was making assumptions. That was NOT the reason she was frozen, although she HAS been doing that. She was frozen for "discussing things of sexual nature". But she didn't do any of that, since she's not allowed on Neoboards or anything anyway. Her brother, who hasn't been on for several months, got frozen for the same reason. Hm.
She replied with a calm e-mail. She's over it(good) and she's starting over. (erm.) The erm is because she's going to try to get her one account back and she still has two. She says she won't cheat anymore, so I asked what she'd do with them. Again, she said she wouldn't cheat. But she said she didn't know what she'd do with the two. far as Neopets goes, I think I'll stay away for a bit until I'm sure she's cleaned the slate. :P She said earlier she didn't know it was cheating and I was about to say something but I decided to bite my tongue.WHew. Lots of typing, sorry!

Mon Jan 17, 2005 2:40 am

Savvy, when you say
she was using various different accounts to make extra neopoints.
what exactly was she doing?

Was she restocking? Doing Dailies? Buying Stock? Buying/scratching Scratchcards? Playing games? If she was doing those things on other accounts and/or sending np from other accounts to her main account, then yet, that is cheating. And how many other accounts? Your later post said she had 2 other accounts, in addition to the one that was frozen, is that correct?

We are allowed to have up to 5 accounts, we (what support told me and as far as I know) can use shops/auctions/tp on other accounts to sell things as long as the np stays in those other accounts, and no games played, dailies done, restocking, bidding on auctions, scratchards, things like that. You can send items back and forth between accounts, but again, my understanding is if you get something in a RE on another account it has to stay in that account - no sending those items to your main account.

I am glad that you and your friend are working things out though. I wish you both the best!

Mon Jan 17, 2005 11:00 am

yes a few million pieces of silicon and semiconductors shouldn't be the ruin of your friendships...
thats for me to do :evil:

JK (just kidin)

Mon Jan 17, 2005 12:38 pm

when one does something wrong its best to learn from mistakes and get on with life. a life of denial would just result in a spiral effect of continous wrongdoing = nothing learnt. as a friend u could just point it out to her and hope she moves along its part of growing up. my 2 cents :D


Mon Jan 17, 2005 11:03 pm

^ that's some great advice whitesandy! Did you get it off a bumper sticker? ;) Sorry, corny joke---I always hear that in movies........
Anyway, yeah she was definitely cheating. Playing games, dailies and restocking. But all 5 accounts were frozen together and she still managed to have one somehow O.O oi...
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