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Account Memories..

Thu Jan 06, 2005 3:37 am

In this board you can write about an account you lost, as in what you miss about it(if you miss anything) or how you got it back etc.

For me, I forgot a password to an account, as I thought I had entered a fake login page so I changed my password to something fairly difficult. For an hour, I remembered it, and I hadn't bothered to write it down(bah, do to my carelessness :-/) Then I logged out. A couple hours later I sat down happily, ready to log in when I realized...uh oh, I forgot my lengthy password. Since I was under 13 then, I couldn't get it back. I created a new account (oursinhovelho) and since then have been playing on it.

I miss my old account because, well there was a nice little amount in there, but more because I had over 900 decent items and I was so close to the packrat avvie, which I love and want to get. Plus it was dedicated to my dog, who we had to give away whom I loved very much. If I get that account back, I'll be happy, as I plan to start a dog-like(lupe/gelert) gallery of items to continue the whole memory-of-Scamp idea.
Any stories you have? Sorry that this is quite lengthy...

Thu Jan 06, 2005 3:50 am

My account was mrkmrk36. I liked it a lot. I would have been in the top 50 avatar collecting. I had the lab map, and the first Msp Poogle ever made. I also had a rather strong pet that I had since I made my account. I had a lot of Neopoints and weapons on there. :) Lost it all because I posted on an illegal board. Now I don't post on them, and just report.

Thu Jan 06, 2005 4:06 am

My first account, twizzler0171 (Oooh! Lookie! Its my name! :roll: ). During the year without internet, we had been going to the library and one time they guys didn't give me a five minute warning, and their clocks were way wrong... so by the time they turned off their internet, I was still logged in. We went back the next day to see if I would be the first one on Neo on that computor. No luck, and didn't help that I had recently switched my Active Pet. The person put my Faerie Chomby, who was also my battle pet and had okay stats, in the pound. When I noticed it a few weeks later (as I said, we could only get onto the net at the library, and I didn't notice it the first day) I tried to get her back, but couldn't. So during the next couple of weeks I switched everything that account had to my current main account (amazed they hadn't donated whatever Neopoints they could out of my 100+k and stolen the four Faerie Petpet Paintbrushes and single Faerie Paint Brush and various other expensive items I had) and put my other three pets (Faerie Kougra, Faerie Kacheek, and Faerie Zafara) in the pound, I self-froze the account. I didn't even think of PPT then... I had only been on it for the Role Playing back then.

Thu Jan 06, 2005 4:16 am

I'm still on my first account. 54 months now.

Mua ha ha.

Thu Jan 06, 2005 4:30 am

schnozbrry wrote:I'm still on my first account. 54 months now.

Mua ha ha.

Yeah.. I'm still on my first one too.... 44 months, though. It's only 'cause I try not to post on the Neoboards, since that's how a lot of people get frozen.

I used to worry that my account would be frozen when I was still sharing a computer with my brother (antidisestablishmenn).. but now I have my own compy, so I'm set! :)

Thu Jan 06, 2005 4:44 am

I'm on my 5th or 6th.

My first one got lost to a scam

My second one(and my best) i self-froze

My third got frozen for unknown reasons

My 4th too.

My 5th is the one I'm using. it r0x0rs!

Thu Jan 06, 2005 5:13 am

My old one was top 50 in avatars, stamps, and top 100 in gourmet foods. I miss it much.

Thu Jan 06, 2005 5:42 am

savvy - Email one of the support staff to get your password back. Explain the situation and provide some facts about the account and hope they answer

Good facts to use :

Old passwords
Any warnings you've had
Any pets you've had
How old the account is
Items in your inventory / SDB etc

Thu Jan 06, 2005 6:06 am

I'm still on my first account, though I never talk on the boards and I'd like to think I am savvy enough not to get into a scam. Plus I took a hiatus for a year last year, I think it was. Or maybe the year before...

Thu Jan 06, 2005 8:44 am

My only account has been Urthdigger. For the most part, I tried to raise an unbeatable pet, complete my card deck, make the most expensive neohome ever, and get a score for every game (was very close to this. Just need Sloth Invasion Tax, Tax Beast, and other such site based ones). Course, then I got frozen. I've been through a lot of stuff with that account, trying to run PointZero (Biggest guild in Neopia Central at the time), all the plots, my piddly trophies that I was oh so proud of. I even got a bit attached to my pets, which is one of the reasons I've been hesitant about starting a new account and so adamant about keeping my old one. It just wouldn't be the same without Altravis, Bernlad, Doctor_Leo, and Huntsmaster. Heck, I'd be willing to lose all the NP in my bank if it meant I'd get my account back sooner.

Thu Jan 06, 2005 9:16 am

My first account got unfairly frozen - the reason they gave me was that I cheated in flash games but I never did, I didn't even have a very high score in any game. After that I stopped playing a for a long time and now I don't even remember how much NP I had, I think I did have some good items.... I miss the lab map (saving NP on my new account so I haven't bought it) and my pet LilKian :(

Thu Jan 06, 2005 12:00 pm

I miss my first account... it was WAY long ago when my sis got an email from her friend saying to join.... and I was little so I did too... but back then... you could paint your pets just by going to sponsor sites so I had a Fire Acara... years later, when I came back and started again, I realized I had that Fire pet and tried to get it but someone else snagged it before me...

My account.

Thu Jan 06, 2005 4:07 pm

Pineapple chia, striped wocky and a skunk kougra on my old account. i loved that pineapple chia i had the labb map. . so many petpets.. and a ton of items in my sdb. i had a couple mill in np/items, and because i forgot my password i can;t get back in. it doesnt get sent to my email and i don't know why. sigh. i sent a letter to neopets to ask for my password, but still havent received a reply...

Thu Jan 06, 2005 4:31 pm

My first account was hacked by a fake login page when they first hit. But to be honest my account was about 1yo but i never was a serious player.

My second account was frozen for inappropreate language. Don't know what it was since i dont talk on the chat boards. Still trying to get it back.

I'm actually playing neopets on my gallery account for now.

Thu Jan 06, 2005 7:53 pm

I'm still on my first too, 49 months now.

I do wish I'd trained my pet since I joined though, she'd be huge by now!!
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