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A New Scam??

Sun Jan 02, 2005 8:36 pm

I just thought of a new way for people to scam. Well you know the Quest Help boards right? Well anyway the people on the quests ask people to find things on the wizard. When they ask someone the prices they can use one of their shops on a different account and put the item thousands more that the actual wizard, and they tell the victim that it is the "cheapest" shop and Boom there scammed.
I don't know if this is a real scam but I thought that people could do that.
I hope you guys understand what I'm talking about... :roll:

Sun Jan 02, 2005 8:52 pm

I guesse, but most people arn't going to pay outrages amounts of neopoints for a quest, so the profit for the scammers wouldn't be much. And little profits is enough to stop that, becuse most scammers want big ones. But again, I can see that happing sometimes though :(

Sun Jan 02, 2005 9:37 pm

I'm almost certain people do this already...

I seem to remember someone confessing to that here a while ago...

Sun Jan 02, 2005 9:43 pm

That's why nobody should ever trust a stranger. Especially online.

Sun Jan 02, 2005 9:51 pm

I only do the ones that have more then 1 person in the list of names given.

Sun Jan 02, 2005 9:52 pm

I guess that's one of the reasons why we're allowed to have spare accounts. :P
So we can't get shop wiz scammed.

Sun Jan 02, 2005 10:03 pm

That's been going on for a long time. It also works in reverse too, where people ask for help finding items secretly hoping someone will give them the item since a lot of kind souls on the quest board will send the item just to be nice if they have it in their SDB.

I caught someone doing that once...first he was asking for a water mote for a quest, and not but ten minutes later he was screaming he needed a fire mote for a quest but didn't have enough np (hint, hint). I saw he had 3 fire motes in his shop, pointed it out on the board where he was begging and he shut his trap after that. :evil:

Sun Jan 02, 2005 11:34 pm

A girl gave me a Pink Evil Fuzzle today. I turned around, bought my own, gave hers back along with a Invisible PPPB I found.

I don't like it when people give me the item I am seeking...I do but I don't.

Mon Jan 03, 2005 12:14 am

:evil: I do that when people are spamming, "GIME A BLU LIPSICK 4 A KWEST!!1!!!" I tell them a shop that sells it for a few thousand. :evil: They chose to keep spamming the message, they deserve it. 0:)

Mon Jan 03, 2005 12:52 am

That's just stupid. It'd be much easier to just hope people give you the items instead. :roll:

Mon Jan 03, 2005 1:25 am

Well tis a good thing i know about items and there prices. Usually the quest asks for a healing potion or somehting and I know those are not very expensive...

Mon Jan 03, 2005 3:06 am

Slime Lord wrote:A girl gave me a Pink Evil Fuzzle today. I turned around, bought my own, gave hers back along with a Invisible PPPB I found.

I don't like it when people give me the item I am seeking...I do but I don't.

I don't like it when they give me it either. I feel so bad then because I have plenty of np to buy the item with and sometimes I've actually bought the item when I recieve the gift one. >__<
Maybe I'd better put in my posts for them not to do that...

I don't see how quest scamming would be too worth it, it would be very time consuming and hard to pull off before someone else told them where the real deals were. That doesn't mean I don't think people do it though...

Re: A New Scam??

Mon Jan 03, 2005 5:21 am

Michelle wrote:I just thought of a new way for people to scam. Well you know the Quest Help boards right? Well anyway the people on the quests ask people to find things on the wizard. When they ask someone the prices they can use one of their shops on a different account and put the item thousands more that the actual wizard, and they tell the victim that it is the "cheapest" shop and Boom there scammed.
I don't know if this is a real scam but I thought that people could do that.
I hope you guys understand what I'm talking about... :roll:

OMG I never thought of it?? BUt aren't there other people with prices and usernames too?

Re: A New Scam??

Mon Jan 03, 2005 6:33 am

hynfaeries0 wrote:OMG I never thought of it?? BUt aren't there other people with prices and usernames too?

They could just supply one shop username - that of their own.

This is indeed a probable way of scamming, but not very profitable and easily busted. Also when you ask for help many people may help you at the same time and you can choose to buy from the cheapest shop. Therefore this isn't a very major scam.

Mon Jan 03, 2005 7:03 am

This is why I always go to a spare account to do quests >_< Just pop open IE as I'm always logged into my spare on that browser and search. I'm also a bit stingy with my np, and some of the people who try to help with quests don't understand the different lines of the wiz so they don't refresh, which can mean the difference between 1k and 4k in Water Faerie quests for example... yay for not trusting people XD
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