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wouldn't it be cool if we could change the syntax in usernam

Fri Dec 31, 2004 5:58 am

usernames? Like on aim - say you type in "flower"(choosing at random here) but then you decide "hey i want it to be a name" so they have an ability where you can change the name format - not the actual username but rather change where the caps are so you could make it "Flower"(see the f?). I think Neo should allow that too, it would be a nice addition and I don't see any flaw in implementing it (plus some newbies leave on the cap locks and get names like they are shouting "BIG_LETTER_USER_NAME" - unless that's intentional:-p).

Fri Dec 31, 2004 6:09 am

That would be cool, but I don't think usernames even pay attention to whether it's capitalized or not when you sign up... :D

Fri Dec 31, 2004 6:11 am

You say that "T"onu yet your name is still placed as a proper noun:-p

Fri Dec 31, 2004 6:12 am

runwithanun wrote:You say that "T"onu yet your name is still placed as a proper noun:-p

-Is dumb-


Fri Dec 31, 2004 6:17 am

Tonu wrote:
runwithanun wrote:You say that "T"onu yet your name is still placed as a proper noun:-p

-Is dumb-


:p In English classes you learn about how proper nouns are capitalized in correct English. I was just playing on the fact that you said "I don't pay attention when I sign up" yet the irony that you used proper Syntax in your name and capitalized the T in Tonu (a name - which is a proper noun)

Fri Dec 31, 2004 6:23 am

runwithanun wrote:
Tonu wrote:
runwithanun wrote:You say that "T"onu yet your name is still placed as a proper noun:-p

-Is dumb-


:p In English classes you learn about how proper nouns are capitalized in correct English. I was just playing on the fact that you said "I don't pay attention when I sign up" yet the irony that you used proper Syntax in your name and capitalized the T in Tonu (a name - which is a proper noun)

Oh no, I wasn't saying that I don't pay attention, I was saying Neopets doesn't pay attention... For example, when I signed up with my account paulismyhero, I put PaulIsMyHero, but neopets automatically lower cased it... That's what I'm saying. :D

Fri Dec 31, 2004 6:27 am

Really?!? I was sure they did:-p.

Quick English lesson for anyone who wants to learn a bit or review (with state testing soonjavascript:emoticon(':o'):

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
A noun, or noun substantive, is a word or phrase that refers to a person, place, thing, event, substance or quality. Nouns are parts of speech and can be classified in different ways such as proper nouns (e.g. "Janet") versus common nouns (e.g. "girl"), or collective nouns (e.g. "bunch", "herd"). Nouns can be substituted by pronouns (e.g. "she" and "which"). The word noun derives from Latin nomen meaning "name" (as a noun can be considered an object, person, or concept's name).

Further classifications include the distinction between concrete nouns and abstract nouns. Concrete nouns refer to definite objects (e.g. chair, apple, Janet) and abstract nouns refer to ideas or concepts (e.g. justice, liberty). While sometimes useful, the boundaries between these two are not always clear.

In sentences, nouns occur in several different ways, the most common being as subjects (performers of action), or objects (recipients of action). In the sentence "John wrote me a letter", "John" is a subject; "me" and "letter" are objects (of which "letter" is a noun and "me" a pronoun).

:o :o :o
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