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news is up for the 29th

Thu Dec 30, 2004 4:40 pm

29th December

* This week's PPL award has been given to the Turmac. Well done Sir Giles of Ham, Skarl, Champy, Snoif, Epimetheus, Wobbles, Gnomey and all the rest.

* Squirrle50 and CaptainEyrie have just won the latest Site Spotlight award with their website - Captain Eyrie: Master of the Seas.

* Tonus can now be painted a rather fetching Gold colour.

* Samrin from Extreme Herder fame has stepped up to become the next Better Than You challenger.

* There are some new Shopkeepers for you to choose from with a Happy New Year theme.

* A new Lenny Conundrum contest has begun. The answer to last week's was 258 Grundos. 5,822 people guessed the correct answer, earning themselves 344 NP each.

* Why not add this snazzy Happy New Year Background to your desktop?

* Dare you attempt En_draugrim's Pirate Cave Of The Week - Blurred Vision?

* There are some new Fun Images with a new year theme to brighten up your shop or webpage.

* This week's Neoadventure Spotlight has been awarded to cgsdesigns for their adventure - Getting A Great Pet!

There are a few ways to train up a pet that are free, but if you are hoping for a great warrior, you have to be willing to spend some big points. The first thing you are going to have to do is decide if you are ready to begin the training process that will take you to the battledome and beyond. In order to be ready, you must be able to earn points!

* There are some new pictures for you to look at in the Art Gallery.

* This week's Petpet Spotlight award has been given to Aliea the Tenna.

* Wadjets can now be painted Cloud, Ghost, Rainbow and Snow at the Petpet Puddle.

* If you like ice cream, you will love Kikonoki's Gallery Spotlight winning shop - The Popsicone Parlour!

* This week's Meridell Castle Spotlight award has been given to Shadowself88 for their level - The Infested Tower.
the news is comming out late. today is the 30th :P

Thu Dec 30, 2004 8:52 pm

* This week's PPL award has been given to the Turmac. Well done Sir Giles of Ham, Skarl, Champy, Snoif, Epimetheus, Wobbles, Gnomey and all the rest.

I just wish they(TNT) would do the Cobrall for once as I would love to see how well my Cobrall would do in PPL if they decided to the Cobrall for PPL.

Thu Dec 30, 2004 9:12 pm

Combusken BG wrote:
* This week's PPL award has been given to the Turmac. Well done Sir Giles of Ham, Skarl, Champy, Snoif, Epimetheus, Wobbles, Gnomey and all the rest.

I just wish they(TNT) would do the Cobrall for once as I would love to see how well my Cobrall would do in PPL if they decided to the Cobrall for PPL.

Maybe Black Narwhools....Not that I have one or anything

Good to see Wadjets getting some new Colours...Is it me or do they need a remake or soemthing o0 The way their heads and necks just looks scary

Thu Dec 30, 2004 9:16 pm

Bah, when are the war prizes going to be given out. -__-

Thu Dec 30, 2004 9:16 pm

Combusken BG wrote:I just wish they(TNT) would do the Cobrall for once as I would love to see how well my Cobrall would do in PPL if they decided to the Cobrall for PPL.

That was a funny sentence :P

I thought the news today was boring... Just like yesterday...

Thu Dec 30, 2004 9:19 pm

Rufus wrote:Bah, when are the war prizes going to be given out. -__-

I would like to know that too. O.o;

Thu Dec 30, 2004 9:19 pm

again no news that concerns me

Fri Dec 31, 2004 1:33 am

I am waiting on pins and needles for the news to say that they have released a new Neopian Times--it is extremely late. I want to know if Donna had the decency to answer my question about why my limited edition, BTY 300K number six plushie (the first one) got turned into a stupid coconut with flames coming out of it. Lotsa angry plushie lovers out there want to know the same thing.

Re todays' new, I thought the things that got into the art gallery are just precious. The gelert made out of tape? Too cute. That little aisha made out of some sort of clay. Ditto. And the drawings. Very, very nice.

Fri Dec 31, 2004 2:31 am

I wish they had done a proper Xmas themed art gallery, with 3 pages or more.

And ditto asking for the war prizes.

Fri Dec 31, 2004 3:33 am

Morningstar wrote:I am waiting on pins and needles for the news to say that they have released a new Neopian Times--it is extremely late. I want to know if Donna had the decency to answer my question about why my limited edition, BTY 300K number six plushie (the first one) got turned into a stupid coconut with flames coming out of it. Lotsa angry plushie lovers out there want to know the same thing.

New Features - December 20, 2004 wrote:A super large bumper edition of the Neopian Times has just been released. There will not be another issue released this week. Instead look out for a new issue on the 31st!

We'll be seeing it tommorrow then (and I'm just as anxious to hear a responce about that plushie as well from another angry former Limited Edition Number Six plushie owner)
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