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Thu Dec 30, 2004 4:51 am

please post any cheats, hints or tips fow Whack-A-Kass (I have only hit it 314 so far!! i know--very pathetic) I need help, PLEASE! :D

Here is a game that half of you don't even know about:

Any comments, please post.......[/url]

Thu Dec 30, 2004 5:51 am

Hint:Wait until the wind is at least 8 before hitting Kass

Thu Dec 30, 2004 6:19 am

Deevil wrote:Hint:Wait until the wind is at least 8 before hitting Kass

Eh, it's not that much of a hassle to wait just that little bit more for a 9. You only get three scores, so make them all count. One thing I learned on the neoboards (Suprise! They can be usefull!) is to hold down the space bar while he's going up, that makes him keep his wings in and thus cut through the air and go higher. When he reaches the peak, release the bar and let him glide down. Also, you can hold the space bar while he's going up when bouncing. It's not much for each bounce, but it adds up.

Thu Dec 30, 2004 6:43 am

You do not have to wait for the wind to reach 9. I am impatient and make the kass fall (but not swing) and restart. Do not send score, but then if you did not swing, it will not let you send a score. Not only does this increase your chances of getting to swing the TREE and have kass fall from the sky, but you can flip through the numbers fast to get to 7 or 9.

Thu Dec 30, 2004 11:33 pm

My top score is 1,181 (I've never gotten to use the tree as a bat -- it's random -- but you can get extra-high scores that way). Tips:

Hit the kass when the wind is at 9 (8 is no good). Hit him on the tip of his beak (this takes a little practice).
Hold the mouse button (or space bar) as he goes up, and let go just before he starts to fall so he'll flap his wings, making him glide much farther.
Click the mouse button (or hit the spacebar) when he hits the ground -- try to time it exactly. Hold the button down as he goes up, and let go as he falls. Do this as many times as you can -- if you're good, you can get five bounces out of him this way.
When he hits the ground after the last bounce, hold the button/bar down until he stops moving.

If you do all this, you'll get at least 1,178 (the highest I've seen using this method is 1,184; if you want higher you'll need the tree).


Fri Dec 31, 2004 10:57 pm

Thank you! I still have one question... Is getting the tree for a bat totally random--or can you do something to improve your chances??

Thanks for your time...... ;) [/i][/b]

Sat Jan 01, 2005 2:34 am

It's random, but I heard you can improve your chances by actually restarting the game after each time you miss or don't bother hitting kass because the wind is too low. (By that I mean you should hit the "restart game" button instead of just clicking anywhere to start again.) Good luck. :)
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