For Neopets ONLY discussion.
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Thu Dec 30, 2004 1:17 am

Alright so I brought this up again and though unlikely I like to think that I'm the one that got it to TNT's attention to the point where they responded to it in an editorial one time. They said they'd NEVER do Neocars but then again Neopets has contradicted themselves over and over in the past (like, for instance, freezing people for saying "Hell" when they themselves used it in a plot)

Anyway. Just for kicks and giggles to see what y'all think about it... What do you think about Neovehicles on the site? You could equip them to a pet like a petpet and upgrade them (ie, AC, alarm, etc) like you do a Neohome. Perhaps Neocar Paint Brushes? A faerie car anyone? lol

What do you think? What else would you like to see with this idea?

Thu Dec 30, 2004 1:20 am

Somebody will prolly say neoinflation...

I think neopia is fine with just Nigel the Chia's red car.... :)

Thu Dec 30, 2004 1:23 am

lol? What does inflation have to do with Neocars?

Thu Dec 30, 2004 1:26 am

Eh, I think it would be useless, like Neohomes.

Thu Dec 30, 2004 1:29 am

I personally like Neopia's McDonald's drive thru... without the cars.

Also someone explain to me how they invented airplanes, but can't grasp the concept of cars.

Thu Dec 30, 2004 1:29 am

Neocars...hmm... Well, we wouldn't really need them. To get from Haunted Woods to Faerieland, all you need to do is click. Nigel the Chia has a car because he's filthy rich from playing the stock market. :P

Thu Dec 30, 2004 2:08 am

I reckon this is an awesome idea, so long as it's not kiddified too much. They could even sign a deal with Nissan or Toyota or something, and you could end up doing up your own Skyline (Need 4 Speed style) :P

No doubt it'd attract a slightly wider audience to say the least. You could even, possibly, race your friends on a racetrack (flash), maybe make your own racetracks, etc.

I see a lot of potential in this, seriously, and not just for fun and enjoyment, but for new Neo sponsorships as well. It's one of those ideas, that if done wrong can become lame and crap, but if done right can be one of the best decisions TNT ever made.

Thu Dec 30, 2004 2:19 am

I wrote a story a few weeks ago called "Wrawk the Merciless" in the Neopian Times, and I had what I think is the coolest idea ever... XD. I had a vehicle called the F.L.O.T.S.A.M. (read the story for the anagram, lol), which is basically a gigantic Flotsam head that's a hover-craft thing. I think vehicles would be awesome, though only if there were a reason for them.

Perhaps everyone gets a NeoGarage, and there's a Garage Spotlight? XD

Thu Dec 30, 2004 2:24 am

simsman24000 wrote:
Perhaps everyone gets a NeoGarage, and there's a Garage Spotlight? XD

:roflol: And today on Garage Spotlight is AFI_Sorrow's. Look, she has a basketball hoop over the garage and a clever STOP sign. Oooh ahh, pretty!

Thu Dec 30, 2004 2:28 am

AFI_Sorrow wrote:
simsman24000 wrote:
Perhaps everyone gets a NeoGarage, and there's a Garage Spotlight? XD

:roflol: And today on Garage Spotlight is AFI_Sorrow's. Look, she has a basketball hoop over the garage and a clever STOP sign. Oooh ahh, pretty!

MY garage would have 2 openings, the basic garage door and the huge hole in the wall where I accidently put the car in drive, not reverse :battar:

Thu Dec 30, 2004 3:48 am

Now I want a neocar ... and a garage, and a basketball hoop, and ...

Well we've got a space station and there is that spaceship? thing on the map (sloth, et al have to get around somehow), Sally the usul has a computer in her bedroom in usuki frenzy (where'd that come from if there's no technology), where did Nigel get his car from if there's NO cars in Neopia? There's also heat and electricity in neohomes. and I'm sure other stuff I'm just not thinking of at the moment.

So I don't think a car would really be that much a stretch. I'm picturing my crazy aisha terrorizing the roads now!

A sponsor tie-in could be a way to go to get the car. That would get both cheers and jeers of course. But all sponsor related things get that.

Thu Dec 30, 2004 4:00 am

I think it would be a good idea IF the items weren't too expensive. I like decorating my NeoHome but some of the stuff is just so gosh darn expensive, it's almost not worth it!

Thu Dec 30, 2004 5:02 am

I would get a "NeoUltraMegaBotGunAndIceMachinePlusShotgun

If they had one, but it isn't likely coming any time soon. They're too lazy to make one.

Thu Dec 30, 2004 5:15 am

OmniIcyshelf wrote:I would get a "NeoUltraMegaBotGunAndIceMachinePlusShotgun

If they had one, but it isn't likely coming any time soon. They're too lazy to make one.

Aww, now I want one too :P

Thu Dec 30, 2004 6:19 am

But then we would have to deal with neoair pollution and neotraffic jams. I say neo cars: unsafe at any speed.
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