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Some people are the WORST.

Wed Dec 29, 2004 4:45 pm

This is the sort of condescending, elitist, nasty behavior I've seen from spam zealots on the NeoBoards...

Felrum_jelly_cube wrote:
-removed- wrote:People are trying to get HELP here. Don’t be selfish and post spam just because YOU think that its funny. Its not, its just plain rude.
And it is rude to make assumptions, friend. I am trying to help others, but you do not realize it. I reward those who show kindness and helpfulness on the boards, and help those who are down on their luck or need money; those who are hardened and flame newbies or people whose actions they cannot understand receive nothing. You do understand, don't you? I made that board to help people.

Got my reply, a few minutes later.

-removed- wrote:you are asking who is nice. that is spam whether you want to admit it or not. I reward people for helping but i dont post boards about it, because i dont need to be recognized for that. No one is down on their luck, this is a game and poor=lazy here. If you want to do a good deed then just do it, you dont have to let everyone know, that defeats the purpose.

Of course, my board title was "Are you a charitable soul?" I make the boards to see if people really are- You see, a lot of people on the Help Board will label it automatically as begging or spamming though they haven't seen where the board is going or what the reason behind the madness is.

I replied:

Felrum_jelly_cube wrote:You don't see it, do you? I don't DIRECTLY STATE that I am giving these things out. I don't crave recognition. I want people to be rewarded for kindness, and that is help as I see it. Poor does not mean lazy here. Poor can mean unskilled or ignorant, or simply unlucky (Random Events, mail crackers, et cetera.) I'm sorry if I offended you, but I still feel that there is nothing wrong with the board I made. If you feel that a board is spam, you should not bump it by telling off the person who made the board.

Thinking the matter settled, I went about my business only to get a callous reply a couple minutes later.

-removed- wrote:Poor does equal lazy when even my 11 year old sister is making 15k a day in about an hour playing games.

You are believing what people tell you here, that just makes you naive. Stop trying to buy friends/popularity here, its just really sad.

I will post whatever i want whereever i want, i certainly dont need a 12 year old like you telling me what to do. Have fun being scammed and trying to buy strangers for friends, i feel sorry for you.

What's most offensive about this is that I'm fifteen, and that it appears to me as though she believes people who ARE twelve aren't capable of being smart and kind. She blocked me from sending anything more to her.

Perhaps I could pin this sort of thing on people who clog, spam, and scam on the boards, that harden people like this to the point that they become bitter toward anyone who thinks differently from them. I quote her lookup: Dont blame me because you mistake my honesty for rudeness. Thats your problem, not mine - Honestly, I haven't seen someone so self-righteous and condescending on Neo aside from myself :P I'm not hurt, but I am annoyed.

Have you met someone like this? This is hardly a worst-case scenario, just a random Neopian being rude- but if you have any examples, post 'em here :P
Last edited by OmniIcyshelf on Wed Dec 29, 2004 5:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Dec 29, 2004 5:15 pm

That actually offends me. The bit about 12 year olds.

It's ageist. Just because some random 12 year old 1337 txt typ3r has no sense, doesn't mean every 12 year old is an idiot.

I wouldn't be surprised if that person was a younger person trying to sound older, bigger, harder etc.
Last edited by jellyoflight on Fri Dec 31, 2004 11:19 am, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Dec 29, 2004 5:32 pm

I read a little bit of the quotes, and that was enough to rub my fur the wrong way- hard.

Welcome to Neopia: nobody likes you.

*shakes head sadly* Honestly, I sometimes think it'd be better if they took the Neoboards off altogether. If not, they should have many more moderators- ones with a great deal of common sense (a rarity on Neopets, evidently :roll: or at least the Neoboards) and good judgement. Then again, that kind of person doesn't necessarily hop out of the grass.

Then again, there's plenty of responsible people here with good judgement. I don't see why the Team doesn't come here and some of the other help fansites and recruit some people to be Neoboards monitors. Then again, the people may abuse the privelages of freezing or warning- who wouldn't be tempted?

Wed Dec 29, 2004 5:54 pm

Omni, your STILL on Neoboards? I really don't want you to get frozen again :(

Stay here where people are NICE!

Wed Dec 29, 2004 6:05 pm

People like that are just so dumb... I sometimes wonder if they even realize that they're completely wrong?

Wed Dec 29, 2004 6:27 pm

Pathetic attempts to make friends? He's giving Jelly away. Not making friends.

So what if your 11 old sister makes 15k in an hour? Maybe she's just really skilled at games. That doesn't mean anyone who's older and makes fewer points is lazy. 15k is much anyway. I rarely make 15k in a day, I just could care less about my points. I'd LOVE IT if someone offered me jelly, that is a nice thing to do.

And lastly, I'm 12 years old. I'm sure I'm as good of a neopian as him. If I wanted too, I could make 200k a day. I'm not a stupid person who gets scammed, jsut because I often give stuff away. It's my choice. My age is not a handicap.

What we don't need are rude neoboard flamers like him.. Notice I said nothing like "12 year olds like him" or "kittens like him".

They sicken me. More than I sicken myself (which is a GREAT deal)

EDIT 1: Grammar
EDIT 2: Filters caught me. Heh.
EDIT 3: Grammar again.
Last edited by plducala16 on Wed Dec 29, 2004 6:42 pm, edited 3 times in total.

Wed Dec 29, 2004 6:35 pm

Psh. People are awfully stupid nowadays... ¬_¬ Really.

Wed Dec 29, 2004 6:39 pm

Reducing to personal attacks is just plain ...........LOW. Shows that they are losing a battle ;) And making blind assumptions are just dumb. Forget about those people.

Stay here where the people are nice.

Wed Dec 29, 2004 6:43 pm

Omni...hun...I know you mean well, I do... :)

But people on the neoboards are evil, hateful, and crass. Sure, not everyone is like that, but it's the select few who are, that have their report finger itching that makes it sooooo not worth continuing trying to donate your jellies.

I myself got smacked with a report this week, for "holding a contest". My crime? Hosting an "avatar simon" for extremely hard avatars. I use the avatar collector avatar on the boards, and I guess some hateful/spiteful/jealous folks decided they would report me, and leave the other 12 avatar simons on page one alone. :roll:

It just isn't worth it. :P Forget the boards, and head to the money tree and dump those jellies...or be sweet and bid 10 of them on any single junk item like dung you see some newbie having in trades. :P Or better yet, do what I used to do with doughnuts at the BD chat...keep one window open, and send an item to anyone you see that posts on any board...just start "raining food" down on the chat, without saying a word. ;)

We know how wonderful and kind you don't have to show those neoboard freaks nothin'...they ain't worth it.

I just don't want you to visit know? :hug: Like I said, I know you mean well, and by far, you are RIGHT and the mass report happy folks are WRONG, but if you want to keep your account toasty warm (like I do) it's best to avoid those folks all together.

All the best,

Last edited by valerielundberg on Wed Dec 29, 2004 6:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Dec 29, 2004 6:45 pm

I actually have met such people with arrogant and stubborn attitudes from other internet games, but not from neopets. It really bothers me.

Poor does equal lazy when even my 11 year old sister is making 15k a day in about an hour playing games.

This is already proof that she has absolutely no idea as to what she's talking about. Like her 11 year old sister, I used to make 15k a day by playing flash games for an hour, and I know that such people are not lazy. Just because we aren't fortunate enough to have a broadband connection doesn't give her the right to assume that people who play games are lazy. Working hard to make neopoints...does hard work = lazy? There are also many neopians who play for fun, and isn't that the purpose of the game? I can also say with certainty that 15k a day is not poor at is still a lot more than what others have.

Wed Dec 29, 2004 6:49 pm

I just never understood why people ragged on one another for giving items or neopoints away. Isn't giving things away and helping others a good thing? o_O It's so foolish when people get all uptight about it. They should just be left alone and do their thing.

The oddness that some people get upset about just amazes me. :roll:

Wed Dec 29, 2004 7:21 pm

valerielundberg wrote:But people on the neoboards are evil, hateful, and crass.

Took the words right out of my mouth.

When General Chat was around, I was once stalked by someone on the neoboards, just so they could make fun of me and call me extremely horrible things. They were never frozen. But I spelled their country's name wrong and I was reported for harassment, and warned.


Wed Dec 29, 2004 7:42 pm

jellyoflight wrote:That actually offends me. The bit about 12 year olds.

It's ageist. Just because some random 12 year old 1337 txt typ3r has no sense, doesn't mean every 12 year old is an idiot.

I wouldn't be surprised if that person was a 10 year old trying to sound big.

But not even 8 year olds act like that. :roll:

EXACTLY! I mean, for crying out loud, I'm 12. Where's the link to this board? I want a piece of this! =D

Wed Dec 29, 2004 7:52 pm

The board's probably gone by now. Please don't take it out on this person, for all that is good and decent, because I don't want any of you getting in trouble. Should I remove the person's username?

I removed the person's name from the post, just so they don't get harrassing neomails from the guyses at the forum

Wed Dec 29, 2004 8:04 pm

You know, I'm having trouble deciding the saddest part of this.

a. They had the gall to give you a hard time over giving free items away.

b. They assumed anyone under 12 was an idiot.

c. They spent so much of their free time harassing you about this, when really, it matters zero in the real world.

d. That at some point in their lives, something drove them to begin to act like this.

It's a quasi-noble thing you're doing, braving the neoboards to give things away to people who need it (sorry if I sound melodramatic :P ), against the people out there, like this one, who want to ruin everyone's fun.

I'd stay away from the neoboards if it were you, the term "Neopian Martyr" keeps popping into my head when I think about people risking their accounts to give stuff away xD

Last time I tried to mix items and the neoboards, I got reported for the first time ever o_O Ironically, I calmly asked the person why over neomail, we discussed this very issue, and now she's on my neofriends list and we chat regularly ^^
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