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Premium Neopets Accounts.

Mon Dec 27, 2004 9:28 am

o_O Hello! I wanted to upgrade my Neopets account to a premium account. 8) I have heard that there are a lot of Neopians who have this and I was wondering is it worth it?

Also everytime I try to sign up it says beta is full, :cry:

but yet more Neopians are in chat everyday saying that they just got premium. :x Are they telling the truth? Is there a good time to try the site? Is there a different site to sign up in? Sorry for asking so many questions... :oops: Thank you for your time :)

Mon Dec 27, 2004 9:47 am

I think its completely random, and since Neo hasnt worked everything out for premmy yet, Neo needs testers who will recive premmy status for free! Lucky them!

I dont think you can purchase premmy status at this point.


Mon Dec 27, 2004 9:53 am

I think its completely random, and since Neo hasnt worked everything out for premmy yet, Neo needs testers who will recive premmy status for free! Lucky them!

I dont think you can purchase premmy status at this point.

Thanks for your reply :) It might be random, sounds like Neopets :evil: But I did here from some people that it cots around $7.77 a month...and I don't mind paying especially if the BBB (Big Bad Banner) goes away...*hides*

Mon Dec 27, 2004 10:02 am

I have had a few friends sign up for the paid service and pay for it through paypal. I can get to the link to sign up but I can't afford it until next week. Not sure about your link but you did try right?


Mon Dec 27, 2004 10:08 am

I have had a few friends sign up for the paid service and pay for it through paypal. I can get to the link to sign up but I can't afford it until next week. Not sure about your link but you did try right?

Hello! Yup I went to and it directed me to

:thinking: They see me comming and run away :o

Mon Dec 27, 2004 10:11 am

Oh strange. Maybe try exactly at midnight tomorrow and see if that helps.

Mon Dec 27, 2004 10:15 am

Thank you so much for your help i_love_draiks. I am sure that it won't be in testing mode for forever, but it is fun to try.

Tue Dec 28, 2004 7:52 am

For me, neopets premium is not worth it.
You can sign up for better deals on regular better internet providers, but go ahead if you want to.

Free is good, 5 bucks is okay, 10 is erm... 120 bucks in a year.

Wed Dec 29, 2004 4:49 am

For me, neopets premium is not worth it.
You can sign up for better deals on regular better internet providers, but go ahead if you want to.

Free is good, 5 bucks is okay, 10 is erm... 120 bucks in a year.

Thanks so much for your advice :) I have heard though that you get first looks at new games and stuff, but as far as better ISPs...I love mine :)

something to read on this topic

Wed Dec 29, 2004 7:04 am

Wed Dec 29, 2004 1:46 pm

I have premium, but not the ISP (I already have an extremely fast broadband provider). As far as I know from talking to other premium members, everyone who now has premium is paying for it, you can get a free trial for 15 days but after that you have to pay. It's $7.99 a month (which is about £4 UK money- although as I signed up quite a while ago I'm still paying the cheaper price of around £3 a month).

See pic below for what you get for the $7.99:


Hope this info helps someone :D

Wed Dec 29, 2004 5:45 pm

Whoever said it's not worth it for the money--I couldn't agree more :P . I would love to try the premium for 15 days, but I don't think I'd fork over 8 bucks a month for it. There's just something unsettling about paying money to satisfy an addiction :o .


Wed Dec 29, 2004 6:23 pm

There's just something unsettling about paying money to satisfy an addiction

I suppose Neopets is an addiction, for me and some others...I feel for myself that it is better than smoking or drinking of which I do nether. Besides I learn so much everyday just trying to defeat the yellow bar on my lookup 8) It's the whole reason I started leaning how to code HTML, CSS, PHP, PhotoShop and so really it is a great addiction :) Hey it's not that funny! :roflol:


Wed Dec 29, 2004 6:37 pm

O.K. I went to and I read it all and I do not wish to start that again! Thank you everyone who helped me with this topic :) I am sad to see so many argue about Neopets, I understand what you are all saying but I will still play. I figure if I am going to pay for other games why not Neopets?

Please someone *mod* close this topic and lets have no more arguing about least not here :D

Wed Dec 29, 2004 6:56 pm

Locked by request. :)
Topic locked