For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Sun Dec 26, 2004 7:57 am
A while ago, you could have your HP 3x your level and still train other stuff, is it now 2?
Lvl : 37
Str : 65
Def : 28
Mov : 28
Hp : 99 / 84
ERROR : No statistic can go above twice your pets level (37 * 2 = 74). Your highest statistic is currently Hit Points at 84. Please increase the level of your pet first!
Sun Dec 26, 2004 8:10 am
It's been 2 since I signed up, I believe. Which means it's been like that for at least 40 months...unless I'm wrong.
Sun Dec 26, 2004 8:20 am
From what I know you can train your HPs 3x your level however if you want to train any other stats after you have done that to your HPs you will have to train your level first.
I hope that makes sense. Right now I'm training HPs to 200 but leaving my level at 80 to save myself some codestones but I know after I do that I will have to increase my level to 100 before I can raise my other stats.
Sun Dec 26, 2004 8:34 am
You will always need your level to be /2 of all the stats except for hp(which is /3)
Yay. I rephrased it!
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