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Goals on Neopets for 2005/Goals from 2004 Achived

Sat Dec 25, 2004 10:03 pm

Hi all :)


Does anyone remember the goals they made for 2004? Ah, doesn't seem like a year ago, does it?

Mine were:

- Have at least 200k in the bank (In a way, I kinda achieved this. I did have 500k - but then I went on a WOAH-MEGA-SPENDING-SPREE-NESH so I went down to 145k :P So even if I don't have it in there now...the stuff in my SDB is worth a fair bit, and I did have over 200k at one point!)
- Get access to the lab ray (Checkaroonie :))
- Start to train one pet (Yup :D)
- Have at least 1 pet painted (All 3 pets are painted - Christmas Jubjub, Ghost Tonu, Purple Blumaroo!)
- Help at least 20 people (Gifted people, 1np trades, Quest Help, advice. Yuhuh.)

I got most of my goals. ^.^ So, yeah. Time for some more challenging things!

2005 Goals

What're your goals for 2005 then?

I'm going to improve on my 2004 goals, and add some extras too :D

- Have between 750'000 - 1'000'000+np in the bank by the end of the year.
- Adopt and lab at least 7 neopets until they have a good colour, then find good homes for them.
- Gift at least 50 people
- Hold at least 70 1np Trades (these don't count as gifting people)
- Give advice to at least 40 people
- Make a guild, stick with it, and have at least 50 people in it by the end of the year
- Have a good year on Neopets, and basicly, become a better Neopian!
Last edited by jellyoflight on Sun Dec 26, 2004 6:42 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Sat Dec 25, 2004 10:14 pm

Complete this set:

Bow Of Destiny
AIr faerie crown-done
Mask Of Coltzan-done
Honey potion-done
Greater Healing Scroll-done
H4000 Helmet

And to get the 85th str and def boost

Sat Dec 25, 2004 10:14 pm

I'll make some.. I hope they're achievable.

1. Get The Lab (need it so bad)
2. Give away at least one avatar pet (jetsam, Halloween Lupe, etc.)
3. Have at least 300k leftover
4. Earn 90% of game avs (I only have 75% or so now)
5. Restock an unbuyable.
6 EDIT: 20+, Maybe 30+ trophies
Last edited by plducala16 on Sat Dec 25, 2004 11:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Dec 25, 2004 10:24 pm

Good job people! As for me... Anything improved is better.

Sat Dec 25, 2004 10:25 pm

Twas a good year for me 8)

04 goals achieved:
Painted my Kougra Darigan
Morphed my adopted pet into a Mutant Draik
Hit the 1 mil mark (1.4 actually, but blew it all on that dari paint brush)
All my pets trained to decent stats
Acquired all the Aisha cards for my neodeck that I'm gonna get (the ones left are 1mil+ heh)

Goals not achieved/new goals:
Zap lab rat into a Robot Lupe
Get a decent battle set for battle pet
Create cool user lookup
Equip these darn petpetpets!
Better stats for battle pet
Read more books to book pet
Next war, get twice as many points as this time (500)... so.. 1000!
(Edit) Win the Beauty Contest!

A lot of these are kinda vague, but meh. It's a good little guidance list for me :)

Sat Dec 25, 2004 10:27 pm

I don't remember many of my goals from last year.. but I suppose getting a Baby Kougra was one of those. I've done that and she's been the only pet I've never changed on this account. :P

Anyways, some 2005 goals:

1. Get one million and keep it for longer than two minutes.
2. Paint my Bori.
3. Finish the bottom level of my NeoHome.
4. Maybe start collecting some cute collectable cards and TCG cards.
5. Finish atleast half of my gardens.
6. Buy pretty spiffy stuff for my friends.
7. Get the Lab Ray and zap pets to get nice new pixel filled homes. :)
8. Enter Beauty contest.
9. Win another Random Contest.


Sat Dec 25, 2004 11:13 pm

I didn't have previous goals, but this year I will :D

- Earn first 1,000,000 NP
- Train Mystrious as much as I can :)
- Make Snowish a Kougra
- Make Mystrious a semi-well known pet :P
- Enter and Hopefully win the BC
- Win 100 One Player BD Fights
- Win 5 *game* Trophies (I can dream :P)

Sat Dec 25, 2004 11:24 pm

Wow, I've done more than I realized this year.
-Got the Lab Map
-Trained my pet quite a bit, it has acceptable stats now.
-My Moehog Turned Robot
-I finally got my Pumpkin Stick. =D

Goals for 2005:
-Get to about level 75
-Get the 125 boost
-Get a few upgrades for my set.
-Get another Pumpkin Stick. (This may be achieved already, because of the glitch.)

Sat Dec 25, 2004 11:45 pm

2004 goals :
Get lab map: I did
Keep at least one Korbat around : Never been without
Get 1000K NP: I did
Get at least 5 trophy's : I did
Get 50 or more avvies : I did (96)
Beat punchbag Bob : I will try tomorrow

2005 goals:
Beat NQ II on evil
Reach break even in stockmarket (just started 2 weeks ago)
Get 150 avvies
Train pet into better batttledome fighter
Buy good battledome items for the next war
Adopt at least 10 pets to transform them into special species (and put them up for adoption again)
Have at least 3 million in the bank at the end of the year
Have a nice Korbat-item gallery which serves as shop account as well (only one account due to safety reasons)
Be in the highscore list for at least one game

Sat Dec 25, 2004 11:46 pm

2004 Goals :

25 million NP in Bank = COMPLETED
Restock 10 unbuyables = COMPLETED

2005 Goals :

50 Million
1000 HP
50 unbuyables

Sun Dec 26, 2004 12:35 am

Well my goals went down the drain with being frozen at the beginning of December. Oh well.

My goals for 2005:
If I'm lucky, I'll get Anarcheck back...
Otherwise, reach at least 500 battles with Herzogvormund.
Get even better game scores than lord_nword had.
Get a million, maybe two.
Either: Darigan or Robot Elephante if one of those is released in Jan.
OR get Lab Ray
OR get H4k helm
OR a lot of training done.
Get at least silver Mootix Drop trophy EVERY month of 2005 (that will be a 16 month streak :evil: )
Get my Mootix Drop Article published ;)
Never EVER get frozen again (I was frozen for an "innappropriate" name if you're wondering...)

Sun Dec 26, 2004 12:50 am

2004 -

Lab map so I could adopt, zap, put back for adoption - done
get best real life friend totally addicted to Neopets - done
paint kacheek Island - done
learn enough css to make a decent lookup - done
make petpages into help/premade lookup/background pages - done
learn PSP - kinda sorta done?
get a jetsam - done! which leads to ...
start learning about the battledome - in progress ;)

2005 goals -

berserk and 125 boost in strength and defense for battle pet by spring
upgrade battle set:
HP, HoD, SC, T-Tear, MoC (hahaha) neopets addict, wanna do some rs'ing for me? hehehe
redo all the lookups I made last year so the code is current (again) :roll:
stay below the radar - being known is kind of good sometimes, but never do I want to be "popular"
find a new adult guild
rs just 1 UB (a T-Tear would be nice :) )
finish my neohome
get my gallery redone/the last spooky petpets I need to complete the set
Continue to take the best possible care of my pets, play fair, be polite and ignore the rude, ignorant people found on the site

Sun Dec 26, 2004 12:55 am

2004 goals
X pass 3mil
_ get jetsam painted robot
X get a draik and krawk
X paint draik
_ paint krawk
X get a 10-icon weapon

2005 goals
_ pass 5 mil
_ get jetsam painted robot
_ paint krawk
_ get a h4k helmet
_ think of more possible goals to accomplish

Sun Dec 26, 2004 12:59 am

I can only remember one goal from 2004...
1. Get a Feed Florg trophy = unachieved :(

Goals for 2005(in no specific order):

1. Have at least 750k, if not 1 million, in the bank.
2. Get a gold Pyramids trophy
3. Get Danny back to a guy x.x
4. Get a total of at least 25k on my secondary account
5. Paint the pet on my secondary account a special color

Hmm, if I think of any more I'll add em.

Sun Dec 26, 2004 1:01 am

Here are my 2005 goals:

- 50 mil in the bank again (Achieved that, but spent a lot on stamps and battle items)
- 315 Stamps in my Stamp Album
- Get at least 1 Stamp Avatar
- Get Enstie to at least 300 strength
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