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Ever had a Neopets dream? o.O

Sat Dec 25, 2004 8:13 am

Ok this ones only a short one but I distinctly remember having a dream last night that I was playing Whack-A-Kass and the wind speed got up to 11 m/s haha thats all I remember but I remember thinking how great it was that it got past 9 lol

Re: Ever had a Neopets dream? o.O

Sat Dec 25, 2004 8:17 am

Drea wrote:Ok this ones only a short one but I distinctly remember having a dream last night that I was playing Whack-A-Kass and the wind speed got up to 11 m/s haha thats all I remember but I remember thinking how great it was that it got past 9 lol

I had a dream about winning the jackpot at Test Your Strenth! :O

=( When I woke up it was just a dream. =(

Sat Dec 25, 2004 8:23 am

I had a dream where I found a Paint Brush on the floor, and then something else ...can't really remember what it was though, that dream is ancient. :P

Sat Dec 25, 2004 8:42 am

I had a hundred million NP and I could do whatever I wanted with it ^_^

Wish dreams could be converted to real-life.

Wish my wishes could be granted :P

Sat Dec 25, 2004 8:50 am

I had one where I found three pieces of lab maps. I had been saving for the lab ray then.

Sat Dec 25, 2004 9:16 am

I really had the same dream as you when the wind reached like 10 or 20m. Its weird but I forgot what distance I got after hitting Kass

Sat Dec 25, 2004 10:22 am

i never have any neopets dreams... i mostly of the dream of PPT :P

Sat Dec 25, 2004 12:17 pm

Yes omg! I was a big banana and I ate a Shoyru... then I turned into a giant watermellon and took over a big train and held everyone hostage for lots of money...

... Ok... that's wrong... I never had a Neopets dream... although... if I did have one... I'd be a big banana who eats a Shoyru... and then turns into a giant watermellon and takes over a big train to hold everyone hostage for lots of money! *ninja pose*

Sat Dec 25, 2004 12:27 pm

I got iced two nights ago... don't remember why, though. Most of my Neopets dreams are pretty short and don't make much sense. I once dreamed my Glitch Before Christmas poem got into the gallery *sniff*. And if you count Adam Powell dreams as Neopets dreams, I've had a ton. There was a timespan of about a month where he would show up in nearly every dream I had. One of the strangest was when there was an arcade in a place where there is a movie rental shop on my street, and one of the games was called "Borovan", and when you put a coin in this little figure of Number Six ran around this bowl thing and fell in the center. (If you've ever seen one of the things where the coin swirls around the rim of a bowl in increasingly small circles and falls into a hole in the center, it was like that.) Another strange one was where I was being chased by a rabid albino moose and some of my family was with me, but I ran faster than them and left them behind. I was in this gravel pit or something, and I turned around a corner, and Adam was sitting on a cliff using a laptop.

I've had more PPT dreams than Neopets dreams, actually, and some about Borovan.

Sat Dec 25, 2004 1:36 pm

I had dreams quite frequently that I won the TYS jackpot and the Brucey B jackpot :lol:

I went to my Neopets bank account and had 100,000,000 np!

Then I woke up and had 10,000 np :lol:

Sat Dec 25, 2004 2:09 pm

Actually, I had a Neopets dream last night. I looked in my bank account and there was around 200,000 NP in it. Then the next time I looked there was around 350,000 NP. I was thinking about spending it but was afraid I'd get frozen for exploiting a glitch. Then someone Neomailed me, saying it was a gift from them for Christmas. The last time I looked at the bank account, I recall that there was specifically 888,888 NP in it. Then I woke up. I do remember contemplating morphing my Acara into a Usul and getting a Usuki Paint Brush for him with the NP :lol:

Sat Dec 25, 2004 3:17 pm

Many a time. Once I had when where I finally got the Lab Ray, and decided to use it on my Eyrie. First zap, and she turned Island! (She was much prettier in my dream than on Neo though... she was more real)

And thats the only one I can remember right now.

Sat Dec 25, 2004 5:16 pm

I had a PPT was..strange, to say the least.

I get Neopets dreams all the time.

ONCE, I dreamt I was unfrozen, I woke up, thought I was, got on the computer, and I wasn't :P

Sat Dec 25, 2004 6:32 pm

Hehe, I remember a few months ago I had a dream where I won a contest-type thing and I got to meat Donna and Borovan. Only, when I did, Adam looked at me and was like "You lied about your age?! You have to be at least 13 to play!"

I also remember we were standing in front of a soda fountain (like at fast food restraunts) during the dream. O_o;;

Sat Dec 25, 2004 7:24 pm

I've had dreams about neopet stuff before and even PPT, I can't remember the details of any of them right now but I do remember having them lol.
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