For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Mon Dec 20, 2004 4:41 am
I need to test out some strategies and weapons, and if anyone would be willing to battle with my pet (Booey201), I would appreciate it.
Tue Dec 21, 2004 4:17 am
Chao, I happen to be looking for a battledome Yoda ... someone to help me learn strategy and how and when to use weapons. My only big thing is no poison! If you have something like an h4k or 8+ icon weapons I guarantee with your pet stats that you'll own me ... fast!
Once the glitches, weird login pages, refresh, ad nauseum glitches are gone and you're willing to battle a newer person to test things out, I'd be happy to. You're the reason I was able to get 581 war points with your great first set advice!
Tue Dec 21, 2004 4:32 am
Yeah, I should probably wait until these glitches stop- The login pages are still affecting people, but I believe the BD equipment glitch is fixed.
Your pet probably has the right stats- All I have is the 55 boost, and 93 HP. I recall you saying you got to 60 on strength. I can't use my Pumpkin Sticks as of right now anyway, so i'm helpless.
Tue Dec 21, 2004 4:36 am
Yeah, I think? the equip glitch is fixed. I never had the problem. I hope your situation gets straightened out soon.
My problem is not enough hp - which is where my lack of strategy really shows IMO even more than my beginner battle set.
Current stats as of tonight (been training like a maniac)
Age: 1584
Level: 35
Strength: 69
Intelligence: 14
Movement: 11
Defense: 69
Max hp: 69
He's in training for endurance - again. Maybe I'm training wrong, but I'm trying to train equally for as long as I can.
I'll PM you or you can PM me! I think I'd like to wait until tomorrow evening or so if that's ok - just to be sure everything's working right.
Tue Dec 21, 2004 4:50 am
The Lab is one of the best ways to increase HP. If you're willing to keep training steadily on your other stats, I doubt its negative effects will affect you much.
Yeah, i'll pm you tomorrow to make sure everything's fixed. If the war starts up again, i'll probably be busy racking up points. I doubt it will start again so soon, though.
According to sirhatter,(Of IDB) one of the strategies for battling is to raise your HP so high that no matter what you're put up against they'll be gone before they can harm you.
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