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Do you think displaying galleries is an invite to scammers?

Sat Dec 18, 2004 2:42 am

I was just wondering if you think having expensive galleries is an invitation for beggers/scammers that sort of thing and if youve had any experiences thank you :)

Sat Dec 18, 2004 2:43 am

Well it`ll beggers but i dont think it`ll invite hackers/scammers unless you have an easy password like 123456. But if you have an hard one then i wouldnt worry :)

Sat Dec 18, 2004 2:55 am

Yes and no. :)

I've had beggar's bother me on my gallery account, but it really is no hassle since I only go there once in a while when putting in a new item...deleting begger mail is as easy as the click of a button, no probs there.

As far as scammers go,'s an invite. But everything could be considered an invite. Having nice BD weapons, nicely painted pets, etc can all be seen as an invitation for someone to scam you.

The only real fear I have with getting scammed while having a gallery is in case another glitch like that big "password request" one we had where everyone's password was accessible to anyone who requested it....*shudder* Other than something unforseen like that, as long as you choose your passwords well (and incorporate numbers with words) and make sure the password to the corresponding email connected to the account is also tough to beat, there shouldn't be a problem. :D

Sat Dec 18, 2004 4:33 am

I had the best gallerry of everything that come sin glass bottles. Millions and millions of NP worth. Some rare items that only a small handful of people had ... and I was rarely bothered. Mostly by desperate Questers on high levels.

Sat Dec 18, 2004 6:48 am

Hmmm... the only bad thing I can see about having a gallery or showing off your rare items is that someone may get jealous and decide to mass report you.

Even if the reports are all fake, if they manage to get enough of their newbish buddies to join them, you could possibly get your account frozen. This is very rare though, so I wouldn't be too bothered with it.

Have a gallery if you wish. You might get a neomail every now and then, but you won't be swamped with begs... except if you're showing off items like Illusen's Staff, Moehog Skull, etc.

Sat Dec 18, 2004 6:51 am

Nobody ever tries to scam me on my gallery account, despite the fact that I've got at least 2 mil or more worth of stuff in it.

Sat Dec 18, 2004 8:31 am

teh0mega, if someone has something like a moehog skull and they have it in their shop then yes, I do think they'd be a target -- for everyone and everything!

I have a gallery, has a few things worth a decent amount of np. I used to get the occaisonal beg or hate mail - you know the "your stuff's too expensive, if you don't lower the price I'm gonna report you" stuff.

I fixed that problem by simply blocking neomail and all requests except for neofriends (very few on that account - all in my guild).

Sat Dec 18, 2004 11:49 am

I don't use my shop that often for anything other than showing of my Pink Poogle Toy, and for selling a couple of items. I have a few gallery worth items, but I'm not in the mood to have to say NO to 20 beggars asking for my Baby or Halloween PB.

I've blocked Neofriend requests myself, but I do enjoy recieving random neomails from people every now and then. Someone asking for help, complimenting my petpage, etc. It makes you feel all good inside :)

So far, in my whole 13 months or so of playing on Neo, I have only ever recieved one mail asking me if I could give all my random junk to a person instead of giving it to the money tree. Which is fair enough, but I said no anyway :P Cruel eh? :evil:

I'm a careful Neopian and all, my password is very secure and I change it every now and then. I have an obscure email address. And I don't make a scene of myself by showing off everything I have. So I'm not targeted :)

Sat Dec 18, 2004 2:25 pm

cpvr wrote:Well it`ll beggers but i dont think it`ll invite hackers/scammers unless you have an easy password like 123456. But if you have an hard one then i wouldnt worry :)

uh oh *runs and goes changing his password* :P

Sat Dec 18, 2004 2:28 pm

I don't have a gallery and I probably never will. :P

Sat Dec 18, 2004 4:01 pm

in the words of "bob" in becker..

i have the ultimate security... i own nothing of value

the most expensive item in my shop is a wind up lord darigan, which is the remmenents of my darigan gallery (i sold it as i realised im never gonna earn the NP to get many of the items i wanted, battling is now my goal, so that i get a decent prize which i can sell, thats the plan anyway)

Sat Dec 18, 2004 4:21 pm

For me, it's always beggars. I don't know if I've ever had anyone attempt to scam my gallery account - but then, I guess I wouldn't know unless they were successful.

So far, the scammers haven't been. But the beggars...

yur gakkery is 1337!!!one!!1! Wud u seel me da fulkl lupe armer??!?!? i m=neeeed it!

Sat Dec 18, 2004 4:30 pm

Since having my school gallery (Which last time I valued it is over 3 mil) I've never been a target for scammers, although I've never fallen for scams either.

Beggars, however, are a completely different story. I've gotten more requests for things out of my gallery than I care to mention. And it's usually people asking me to just GIVE them things out of my gallery for theirs. -_- Blah. (I've got so much to put in my gallery still as it is, I don't need to be giving expensive items to random people I don't know :roll: )
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