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I think I've been gipped...

Thu Dec 09, 2004 5:07 pm

I just played today's Featured Game (Petpet Rescue) and I don't think I got the right amount of NP.

It's ratio is 300 NPs for 100 pts but since today it gives double NPs it should be 600 NPs for 100 pts, right? If thats the case my score of 205 should give me 1000 NPs, right? Even if that wasn't the case I still should have gotten my 1000 NPs. I got 615 NPs. Shouldn't that have doubled? :roll:

Thu Dec 09, 2004 6:41 pm

LOL. Me too. Last time I play Dubloon Disaster (which is the game of the day of that day) and my score is not being doubled. 8)
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