For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Thu Dec 09, 2004 8:05 am
I was checking out mondo battler xxxx's petpage and found this fancy dancy suggestion.
It makes sense to me, what's the call? [/url]
Thu Dec 09, 2004 8:18 am
I personally love the idea....
But this is more for the BDers, since probably most of their funds go into weapons and pet stats anyway.
Still, this is a great idea to protect the more valuable parts in the account.
Thu Dec 09, 2004 9:35 am
I think neopets should locked our pets when they are in the lodge. If our accounts were hacked, they cannot throw our pets in the pounds because they were in the lodge.
We should have a separate shop for our gallery too, maybe something that we paid in np to lock our stuffs for certain days.
Thu Dec 09, 2004 10:00 am
i don't really think the weapon lock is a good idea.
i'm thinking that it'll be a waste of time to wait for the lock to unlock itself if you have an 'emergency' like wanting to replace a weapon or something...
perhaps if the weapon lock comes with a password to unlock during the 24 hours period, then yeah i'm all for it.
Thu Dec 09, 2004 11:13 am
I've seen this petpage before. Hmmm... it's a great idea, since a lot of people put most of their effor in their line up and pet stats.
Maybe instead of locking it, you could password protect it, like virginangelic said. And if you wish to lock it -full stop, then you can do that too. And then it's your own fault if you wish to switch weapons but can't.
The whole pet and weapon lock idea is awesome, and I'm surprised TNT have not implemented it yet.
Thu Dec 09, 2004 3:05 pm
Locking pets is the best idea here. That would be very handy. I wish there would be a way to permanently lock your pets though, and then give you a password to unlock them if you need to.
Thu Dec 09, 2004 11:52 pm
I quite like this idea, but would like to see something where you need to enter a 'pin number' to take np out of the bank, get into your SDB and abandon your pets. It would have to be say a 4 digit number that is not in your password and then at least if someone did get into your account, they would be limited in what they could actually do.
Fri Dec 10, 2004 12:28 am
Hmm, a weapons lock. Now that's something I didn't think of! But after the awful events of April, alot of us were all for having something to protect our pets, sdb, trades, and even shops in the event of being hacked/cracked/scammed. At the time, I had no interest in battle, and even now my set is very .... basic. But I would hate to lose it again (lost first set in sdb glitch a couple weeks ago and had to rebuy).
The thought back then was to have something like another password (I like a PIN also!) for your sdb, shop, pets, trades so if anything did happen and someone got into your account, they wouldn't be able to steal your stuff, disown your pets, etc. The bank should probably have something extra security wise too. I know we can and I do periodically (for at least a month after April) did a 1np withdrawal 15 times. That at least protects your bank till the next Neopian day. But a pass or PIN on the bank would mean you wouldn't have to worry.
I think something like this should be implemented and we should have a choice on how long, if a "lock" was used, to use that lock. Otherwise, we should have a separate password or pin for weapons, pets (to go to the pound), bank, sdb, trades, shop. I doubt anything for inventory could be done. And really, you shouldn't keep anything really valuable just sitting there anyway due to bad RE's.
Fri Dec 10, 2004 2:04 am
I wish neopets had a "PANIC" button that locks money/pets/items into the account. If you think you are being scammed, it would come in handy.
Although it could be abused. Put an item for autiona nd not like it's outcome, you could PANIC. Or accept a trade and then change your mind. It can be taken advantage of.
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