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Shop display limit set

Thu Dec 09, 2004 3:27 am

I don't see any topics on this... Has anyone noticed yet that you can now see only 100 items in a shop at a time and must click a link to see the rest?

Thu Dec 09, 2004 3:35 am

Omni, that has been out for at least several weeks now. It is frustrating for people with galleries. I have to go through each page of my gallery to see whether or not I have the particular plushie that I am looking for. But, I guess it is good for anyone doing a shop wiz search because the item comes up on the first page above where the shop actually begins. So, instead of wading through the entire shop, you can find it right awy.

Thu Dec 09, 2004 4:04 am

It would seem like it would be something helpful, especially with loading time.... but i too see it as kind of a pain in the keester... especially with galleries and random shopping... i just dont like it. :roll:
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