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Shop wizard display

Wed Dec 08, 2004 3:12 am

Has anyone figured out the new shop wizard display, what names are grouped together etc. I know we had an inkling a couple days ago but it seemed to be a mixed bag. I haven't had time to sit and figure out if there is specific order.

Wed Dec 08, 2004 5:26 am

This was taken from the front page of PPT and I quote:
Shop Wizard Re-organization
Posted by Xil on December Mon 06 2004
It's widely assumed that the Shop Wizard displays the cheapest prices from the range from A-Z. If you've been paying attention, you'll notice that the Shop Wizard actually doesn't work like this. Instead, it shows accounts on a series of "lines". Each line contains different letters on it, sorting every account by the first character. Although this line theory did make the shop wizard easier to us, it also made it unfair for some accounts, since they appeared less often, like Q for instance.

Originally, the Shop Wizard was divided into 8 lines, however, now there has been a large reorganization of this. The lines have been changed into a new order. Morningstar from the PPT Forums believes that the lines have been re-organized into at least 13 groups, Evening out the massive size which the original 8 had attained. Morningstar theorizes that the new lines are as follows:

a and n
b and o
c and p
d and q
e and r
f and s
g and t
h and u
i and v
j and w
k, x and _
l and y
m and z

Although this new system does balance out the issues which the old system was having, it is now considerably harder to find a particular price on certain items.

That should clear things up. :)

Wed Dec 08, 2004 12:57 pm

Actually, that list leaves out the user names that started with numbers. They finally showed up on the wiz yesterday. And, appears that all of the old lines are all gone.

So, it seems to be 13 lines now:

a and n and 0
b and o and 1
c and p and 2
d and q and 3
e and r and 4
f and s and 5
g and t and 6
h and u and 7
i and v and 8
j and w and 9
k, x and _
l and y
m and z

Wed Dec 08, 2004 2:53 pm

That's great! Hmmm. Actually, I don't understand. Nvm. :oops:

Wed Dec 08, 2004 2:56 pm

Thanks morningstar. I've been too busy the last week to play neopets & do much more than collect the advent calendar but once I get a chance to start stocking my shop again it's nice to know what I need to look for.

Thu Dec 09, 2004 1:09 am

Quiguki Beauty wrote:Thanks morningstar. I've been too busy the last week to play neopets & do much more than collect the advent calendar but once I get a chance to start stocking my shop again it's nice to know what I need to look for.

I know what you mean. I resell ETS's so I had pretty much figured out who my competitors on my line were and when they played and how they played (yes, I am that intense)--and now, it is a whole new ballgame. Challenging! But, hey, if I figured out how to do it before, my guess is that I will be able to do it again.

I just wish they would give us more time before hitting us with the shop wiz ban. It seems to be the same amount of time, yet there are 5 more lines to look at than before. I am finding it almost not worthwhile to competitively price things under 500 nps. It takes too long to refresh!

Sat Dec 11, 2004 2:22 am

Ah, thanks for the update guys. 8)

*waddles off to update*

Sat Dec 11, 2004 2:38 am

From my guild forums...

cubeof11 wrote:
  • Lord_Nword wrote:I hear that the shop wizard letter combos have have changed and probably reweighted as well...
    Yep, and I'm annoyed. Although the listings seem to be the same as before, it doesn't always show the lowest prices in each listing anymore. (-_-) Time to start fresh:
    • the Shop Wizard: (plays: 92)
      • Listing 3CKS: (plays: 19)
      • Listing 2BJRZ: (plays: 16)
      • Listing 4DLT: (plays: 12)
      • Listing 5EMU: (plays: 11)
      • Listing 19AIQY: (plays: 10)
      • Listing 08HPX: (plays: 8)
      • Listing 6FNV: (plays: 8)
      • Listing 7GOW_: (plays: 8)
  • ...compared to the past:
    • the Shop Wizard: (plays: 16188)
      • Listing 08HPX: (plays: 2092)
      • Listing 6FNV: (plays: 2057)
      • Listing 5EMU: (plays: 2029)
      • Listing 3CKS: (plays: 2027)
      • Listing 7GOW_: (plays: 2022)
      • Listing 19AIQY: (plays: 1995)
      • Listing 4DLT: (plays: 1993)
      • Listing 2BJRZ: (plays: 1973)
  • Yep; I'm a frequent shopper! (^_^)
      • Cube-shaped basketball for sale, only $13.31! Buy now!

(he has a program that collects data on everything....)

He hasn't made a report yet on the new classifications yet though...

Sat Dec 11, 2004 3:28 am

Lord Nword wrote:From my guild forums...

cubeof11 wrote:
  • Lord_Nword wrote:I hear that the shop wizard letter combos have have changed and probably reweighted as well...
    Yep, and I'm annoyed. Although the listings seem to be the same as before, it doesn't always show the lowest prices in each listing anymore. (-_-) Time to start fresh:
    • the Shop Wizard: (plays: 92)
      • Listing 3CKS: (plays: 19)
      • Listing 2BJRZ: (plays: 16)
      • Listing 4DLT: (plays: 12)
      • Listing 5EMU: (plays: 11)
      • Listing 19AIQY: (plays: 10)
      • Listing 08HPX: (plays: 8)
      • Listing 6FNV: (plays: 8)
      • Listing 7GOW_: (plays: 8)
  • ...compared to the past:
    • the Shop Wizard: (plays: 16188)
      • Listing 08HPX: (plays: 2092)
      • Listing 6FNV: (plays: 2057)
      • Listing 5EMU: (plays: 2029)
      • Listing 3CKS: (plays: 2027)
      • Listing 7GOW_: (plays: 2022)
      • Listing 19AIQY: (plays: 1995)
      • Listing 4DLT: (plays: 1993)
      • Listing 2BJRZ: (plays: 1973)
  • Yep; I'm a frequent shopper! (^_^)
      • Cube-shaped basketball for sale, only $13.31! Buy now!

(he has a program that collects data on everything....)

He hasn't made a report yet on the new classifications yet though...

Lord Nword, I too am a frequent shopper--good thing it isn't real money!!!! :P They finally moved everything over to the new databases a few days ago so there are no old lines and new lines intermingled together--which was a royal pain in the patoot! That means that the lowest prices in each listing are now showing up at the top of their respective line--and each letter has only one line that it appears on--the new one.

It will still be interesting to see what the new weighting will be--so far, it seems that the i, v, 8 line consistently has the highest prices. j, w, 9 seems to be high also. And, of course, my g, t, 6 line seems to be the lowest--grumble!
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