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Does TNT look @ the date on bug reports?

Tue Dec 07, 2004 2:26 am

Hi there,

Thank you very much for bringing this bug to our attention. We will be doing our best to fix this and the matter should be resolved shortly. We cannot compensate for losses possibly incurred by this bug; but we do appreciate you e-mailing us about this.

If you have any other questions, please do not forget to include the entire text of this e-mail with your username clearly at the top. This will help me better address your situation.

removed for privacy of the staff

-----Original Message-----
From: Me- I don't need u emailing me
Subject: Other Submission - other: bug report - (username crowneddrake)
Sent: Nov 18 2004 07:40:27

Username: crowneddrake
E-mail: Me- I don't need u emailing me
Language: en
IP: You don't need this.
Date: 11/18/2004
Time: 07:40:27

Bug Location:

Bug Information:
The quickstock feature will not quickstock to user saftey deposit boxes.

Back during the great Belated Birthday Crash the quickstock did not work so I sent a bug report. Today I recieved this letter.*Makes note the get TNT a elementary time classes as well.*

Tue Dec 07, 2004 2:37 am

I blame the lateness of replies to the sheer amount of mail that they get. Sometimes, there really is no better answer to the reports than "we're working on fixing it and we're sorry this is a pain in the butt to you."

Tue Dec 07, 2004 2:44 am

I'm looking at the dates on this. I send bug report on November 18, bug gets fixed around 3 days later, staff decides to send me a message saying they'll look into a fixed matter on the 6th of the next month. Surely he knew it was fixed by now.(It was a male staff member.)

Tue Dec 07, 2004 2:49 am

Well, people are always complaining that they're being ignored. So maybe this guy figured might as well send a response, even if it is just copy and paste.
BTW, I once asked a question about Neohomes, and 4 months later I got a response telling me to check the news regularly!

Tue Dec 07, 2004 2:52 am

Fizzy wrote:Well, people are always complaining that they're being ignored. So maybe this guy figured might as well send a response, even if it is just copy and paste.
BTW, I once asked a question about Neohomes, and 4 months later I got a response telling me to check the news regularly!

:P Now that's a classic!

Personaly, if I have a question I come here. If I have a bug, I crawl in the tightest corner possible and hope for it to go away. (With my eyes shut and a box of Lucky Charms for good luck)

TNT gets swamped with emails all the time so its really hard to get an instant and often informative response. I think they need more staff just for answering emails.

Tue Dec 07, 2004 2:52 am

I think he was probably trying to just reassure you it was being taken care of, just in case all of the bugs weren't fixed. I got the same message, possibly from the same support person.

Tue Dec 07, 2004 2:53 am

When I had lost two items from the rollback and sent them a bug report, I got a reply two weeks later (and my items). Not really a big deal.

Tue Dec 07, 2004 3:05 am

I wouldn't be surprised if they got hundreds of thousands of bug reports every day. Just be patient and well, most of the time things won't turn out your way, but at least the may fix the problem :/

Tue Dec 07, 2004 6:40 pm

Hey, don't diss them, they do listen when it needs listening to. Last time I sent them a suggestion asking them to implement a system of withdrawing all lots older than 14 days from the TP to prevent clogging and they listened! :D It was implemented a month later. :D

Tue Dec 07, 2004 8:42 pm

I got a response to my suggestion just after I was frozen, three weeks after I sent it ⌐.⌐
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