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When did TNT change this?

Sun Dec 05, 2004 4:05 am

If you exam this page You will find TNT chaged how somethings were done in the plural like the Pteri. Pteri (s.), Pterii (p) wat the old style. Now it is Pteri and Pteris. Personally I prefer the old style.


Sun Dec 05, 2004 5:18 am

same here!

Sun Dec 05, 2004 5:21 am

The old way seemed as if it was more official. It was as if the Pteri was a real animal and would be the real way to spell the plural of it. Eh, can't ask for everything. But they should at least stick with the original spelling of things. *shrugs* Ah, oh well.

Sun Dec 05, 2004 5:24 am

I do as well. I suppose it's easier for the 'younger' crowd to pronounce. In all honesty, I'm surprised TNT decided to bother to change something as minimal as that. I never would have noticed had you not pointed it out.

Sun Dec 05, 2004 5:26 am

hmm. now that's strange. why would they have changed it? it was fine before, now it seems awkward o_O

Sun Dec 05, 2004 5:47 am

Not only does the new plural form sound awkward, they are overlooking some small details.

Seems that Neo often forgets when they make a name change decision, they can't remain consistant.....


Whoever changed the plural form of the pet managed to look up the old plural form in the database and changed the one item with "Pterii" in the name, namely the book "Legendary Pterii" for example, to "Legendary Pteris".

Of course, they forget that the book title shows the old name on the cover, which could be very confusing to people....


And they didn't change the old plural form in any of the item descriptions where it appeared before:


So, whoever was given this task, didn't even bother to make all the corrections needed. I can understand the book, some new artwork would need to be done. But the item descriptions? Even I, without the über database program at Neo to help me, needed to go no further than a quick check at could see that these 5 items contained the old plural version and needed to be adressed:

Pteri Pop-Up Book
Forbidden Pteri Tales
Pteri Feather Book
Legendary Pterii
Pteri Battle Whistle

The old version was much better (my opinion), but I think if they decide to change something, all points of the site should reflect the new change....

Sun Dec 05, 2004 4:48 pm

hmm... that's something i would never notice, nice noticing :)

Sun Dec 05, 2004 5:45 pm

TIs Hagen's fault I noticed. The spelling changed with his widom introduction, because I noticed it in his list first.
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