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Big Changes?

Sat Dec 04, 2004 12:33 am

Okay, I used to come to these forums all the time. I mean ALL the time. I had been on neopets for about 2 years, almost always active, etc.

But then I kinda, slipped away; from here, and just about everything neopets.

Now that I have come back (somehow my old account disappered, so I made this one) I have noticed alot of things.

1. There are still no neoschools. What happened? I recall that they had kept pushing back the due date. Did they make some kind of announcement?

2. What's with the new neopets? When did they come along?

3. I noticed a few new people working here. Ur, wheres all the old people? Most of the old moderators/admin seem to have disappeared.

4. New war? I left after the old one! What's going on?

Okay, I know this may be making you mad, but these are the only questions I have. I'm too angry with TNT to read there news sections at the moment, so I rather here it from you guys.



Sat Dec 04, 2004 12:36 am

Oh, my, do you have a few hours? There have been tons and tons of things that have happened both here and on Neopets.

Before any of us even begin to try filling you in, when were you last on Neo and when were you last here?

Sat Dec 04, 2004 12:37 am

Everyone's account disappeared. There was a server crash, and everything was lost :(

1. They're on the back burners of the back burners. They made a statement about it... don't expect it. Period.

2. Can't answer that on top of my head. others will.

3. Well, some have left, some have been added (such as myself). Some are still around here though.

4. Yes, its the new Hannah and the Ice Caves plot. There's also a logic puzzle (sorta on hiatus)

Sat Dec 04, 2004 12:38 am

Morningstar wrote:Oh, my, do you have a few hours? There have been tons and tons of things that have happened both here and on Neopets.

Before any of us even begin to try filling you in, when were you last on Neo and when were you last here?

Hm, I left a little bit after the last (I think) war.

Darigan vs. Meridell.

And another question, what's happened with Maraqua?

MattEdit: Please don't double post in future - I've combined your posts for you.

Oh, and I recall a game.. it had a little blimp like thing... and another game with snakes and ladders. Though I think I recall hearing it was too childish.[/quote]

Sat Dec 04, 2004 1:39 am

discharger12 wrote:Oh, and I recall a game.. it had a little blimp like thing..

Whoa. :o

Skies Over Meridell game was released Jan 5th, 2004.

You have been gone a while. :P

More news, you missed a war in between the Meridell one and this one. ;)

Sat Dec 04, 2004 2:11 am

Erm.. Boris, Yurbles and.. I forgot the other one (Was there three?)..

Quite a few pets updated..

Lots of TCG boosters..

Neoschools have fallen off the back-back-burner, and into the incenorator, methinks.

The Pink Poogle Toy item's description has changed :lol:

Sat Dec 04, 2004 2:15 am

Baku wrote:Erm.. Boris, Yurbles and.. I forgot the other one (Was there three?)..

The Pink Poogle Toy item's description has changed :lol:

There was three, the last is the Ruki.

I loved the new PPT description... :hug: Made me laugh.

Anyway, yes, you have missed quite a bit.

Sat Dec 04, 2004 2:18 am

valerielundberg wrote:You have been gone a while. :P

More news, you missed a war in between the Meridell one and this one. ;)

I was about to say the same thing, val.

Honestly, I think the best thing to do would be to either read all of the back news pages since you last were on Neo--or check out Neocommentary's website--because you have missed a heck of a lot--just the major glitches alone could take up a couple of pages of text.

EDIT: val, I actually think he has been away a lot longer than Jan. 2004 because the Meridell Darigan war was in November/December 2002 if I remember correctly--I had just joined Neo toward the end of the war. Maraquan has been that way ever since I can remember--wasn't it destroyed sometime in 2001? And, snakes and ladders was no longer out when I started--either that or it disappeared shortly thereafter. Does that seem about right, discharger12, late 2002?

Sat Dec 04, 2004 3:58 am

Don't even ask about NeoSchools, they're a joke :x Never released and in my mind,never will be :(

Sat Dec 04, 2004 4:08 am

if i'm not mistaken, i think petpetpets were released during your hiatus. they're little bugs that you can attach to your petpets, R99, available only from REs.

Sat Dec 04, 2004 4:54 am

BRIGHTVALE! A new land that looks like an old one! Meridell being invaded and some new games ... nothing much really ;)

Sat Dec 04, 2004 5:04 am

This thread reminded me of neoschools! I forgot all about them. I remember a bunch of people being all excited by the school supplies the advent calendar gave out because they thought they could use them for neoschools :p

i was never all that excited about them so no loss there

Sat Dec 04, 2004 7:03 pm

Actually, I was around during the petpetpets. I recall that there were even rumors of petpetpetpets. But I don't think it was 2002 I left, it was around 2003. Hm, sometime in late 2003. Though I think towards the beginnings of my leavings I kind of went every other week or something. Who knows?

Anyway, doesn't PPT have another leader?

And what happened after the war Meridell vs. Darigan?
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