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Gallery accounts

Thu Dec 02, 2004 8:28 am

So I'm still pretty new to Neopets, and I know a lot of people have gallery accounts. I might tend to be a little obsessive, but I really don't like how I can't organize things in my store the way I want. (Anyone have tips on how to do this, or should I make a request to TNT about making a system?) I'm trying to figure out what the best way is for me to do this.

Anyway, I guess I'm wondering if people have one general gallery account, where they put everything they want to save, or two or three specific ones, etc. I currently only have my main account. Basically, any information you have would be helpful/interesting. Thanks!

Thu Dec 02, 2004 8:36 am

Well, I horded things in my Safety deposit box until I had decided what I was going to do with it. I tend to automatically put anything I get into my box just in case I get a pant devil event somewhere that makes him steal one of my items. It also helps to horde items for a gallery in your main account - you can get an avatar that way, 1,000 different items gets you Pack Rat. ;p

As far as I know - there is no real way to organize things in the store. In some strange way, they tend to organize themselves. In my gallery account I noticed that all of the items that were marked in their descriptions as being specific year Advent prizes, tended to cluster together as well as other items that were of similar type (the snowballs are all together in a row and so are the poogle toys). o.0;

Raising your shop size gets very expensive after a while, at level 46 it cost 9200 np to upgrade to level 47. And the next level will cost 9400 np. It's a lot to sink NP into, and it can take some time - but with some luck and hardwork, you can get it large in no time. It's taken me about a month to get my gallery to level 46.

Thu Dec 02, 2004 8:49 am

They are organized by date released. There is no way to change it.

Thu Dec 02, 2004 10:10 am

the SDb is better than it used to be tho, you used to have to search for the exact name, but now if you search, say snow, it will bring up everything you have in there with the word snow in the title.

You know what'd be cool, is if you could have a few SDB's so you could sort stuff, like one for advent calendar stuff, one for stuff you wanna keep, one for stuff you wanna sell but havent yet.... etc. i'd pay (np of course) for that.

Thu Dec 02, 2004 10:33 am

That's kinda what I want to do...I tend to like to collect lots of different things, and I'd love to have them separate like that. At this point, I'm just not totally sure how to go about it (meaning do I just deal with it, and put it all in one gallery, or separate into different ones, etc.).

Thu Dec 02, 2004 1:04 pm

It also depends on how many items you are planning on having in you gallery. If you have a lot, I 'd just put them in my SDB because owning a shop gets to expensive. If you have maybe 100 or so items, think about starting a new account for a gallery, or using your shop on your current account. It will all work out in the end :P

Re: Gallery accounts

Thu Dec 02, 2004 1:34 pm

julie.anne wrote:...I might tend to be a little obsessive, but I really don't like how I can't organize things in my store the way I want. (Anyone have tips on how to do this, or should I make a request to TNT about making a system?) I'm trying to figure out what the best way is for me to do this.

I know exactly what you mean! I've been pushing for a new feature in the SDB for a few weeks now (ever since I got around 500 items in there). I submitted a request, but unless they know other people would want it too, they might ignore it. The more people that request it, the better our chances are! Please do sumit a request!

Thu Dec 02, 2004 1:43 pm

Personally I think that TNT need to have a good look at the gallery issue. If I were in charge, I would:

    - Separate shops and galleries so that everyone can have one shop and up to three galleries
    - Disable all html, css and other fancy stuff in shops so that they're all just the default shop (plus shopkeeper), but allow music, backgrounds etc in galleries
    - Disable the entire pricing mechanism in galleries so that items were automatically unbuyable, but allow maybe 20 characters of text under each item, for useful info or thanks for a donation
    - Allow items to be re-ordered to any order the owner wants
    - Add an option so the gallery owner can choose not to have their items shown in shop wizard searches
    - Have the shop wizard show when an item is in a gallery, with the word "gallery" instead of price, and allow searches (you could maybe enter keywords about your gallery when you create it, and then people searching galleries for that keyword (eg "tuskaninnies") would find all Tuskaninny galleries)
    - Add a gallery link to lookups, similar to the shop link, showing the gallery's name.

Well I've ranted enough but I really wish TNT would implement some of those suggestions :/

Thu Dec 02, 2004 2:00 pm

I just submitted a request with some ideas about options for the stores/SDB organization. I think it would be useful with both, especially for those that have huge stores. I'll let you know when/if I hear anything. Maybe we can get something started. :)

Thu Dec 02, 2004 3:05 pm

HollyPop wrote:Personally I think that TNT need to have a good look at the gallery issue. If I were in charge, I would:

    - Separate shops and galleries so that everyone can have one shop and up to three galleries
    - Disable all html, css and other fancy stuff in shops so that they're all just the default shop (plus shopkeeper), but allow music, backgrounds etc in galleries
    - Disable the entire pricing mechanism in galleries so that items were automatically unbuyable, but allow maybe 20 characters of text under each item, for useful info or thanks for a donation
    - Allow items to be re-ordered to any order the owner wants
    - Add an option so the gallery owner can choose not to have their items shown in shop wizard searches
    - Have the shop wizard show when an item is in a gallery, with the word "gallery" instead of price, and allow searches (you could maybe enter keywords about your gallery when you create it, and then people searching galleries for that keyword (eg "tuskaninnies") would find all Tuskaninny galleries)
    - Add a gallery link to lookups, similar to the shop link, showing the gallery's name.

Well I've ranted enough but I really wish TNT would implement some of those suggestions :/

I like that idea. It's all good!

Thu Dec 02, 2004 3:10 pm

I agree. I somehow missed that post when I was last here, but those are great ideas!! (Hollypop)
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