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Re: Daily Dare 2016

Sun May 01, 2016 4:19 pm

Easy peasy lemon squeezy today. Remember that you can rotate pieces using the z and x keys.

Re: Daily Dare 2016

Sun May 01, 2016 7:42 pm

Done with AAA (SMELT). Also remember that you do not need to have a "Clean" cut. You can overlap pieces a little in exchange for speed and cutting space.

Stupid Sutek...

Re: Daily Dare 2016

Mon May 02, 2016 7:28 am

AAA: Finally! With this magic powder, revenge is near! We return to Roo Island tomorrow!

Top Chop is the final challenge. 1100 for AAA.

An easy score to finish the event. :)

ETA: Done! 20/20 AAA on the day.

Chose the stats. Hoping the item will drop in price a little.

Re: Daily Dare 2016

Mon May 02, 2016 7:50 am

Ugh. Top Chop. Well, 1,103 is good enough for today. That lets me try and finish Sutek today.

Re: Daily Dare 2016

Mon May 02, 2016 11:19 am

This was one of the few games I was a bit worried about and practiced a little last month. There's lag on this computer, but it's inconsistent, so I have to cross my fingers and hope I'm hitting the center. Thankfully the practice paid off and I managed to get the score on only my second try. Yay!

I've been wondering if AAA's project has something to do with Roothless... sounds like it might. I hope we get to actually be party to this revenge somehow, and not just a witness to it. Maybe it'll be a new game where Roothless is caught inside it instead of AAA and Abi? If so, I hope it's more fun than theirs...

Today's the last day? Then I continued my streak of all gold checks.

Good luck on Sutek's Tomb, Blue! Try the screenshot-and-pause trick when you're stuck, and remember you get a lot of bonus points for combos, so try to start at the bottom and work your way up. The game is also kind of slow in terms of clicking, which can eat up your time, so try to find your rhythm, and maybe play on a lower (or maybe higher?) quality so the clock doesn't run down as much on you. I think the game is kind of dependent on you getting a decent board with more than one match at a time (else the clock will run down faster than you can click). And don't forget to type plzsutekcanihavemoretime! Start typing it when the clock is as low as possible without you rushing and mistyping it (which happened to me 3 times, so I actually didn't even need it for my AAA-beating game).

Oh, also the bonuses for longer combos aren't that great, so don't waste time trying to make them (obviously, get them when you can, but the bonuses for multiple combos on a single turn is higher, which is why starting at the bottom is so important).

Re: Daily Dare 2016

Mon May 02, 2016 2:01 pm

Well, I was worried about this one, but surprisingly got it (and a new high score for myself) after only a couple tries.

I spent an absurd amount of NPs on the second Abigail Team challenge prize (Volleyball Strategy Plays), but I managed to go through and obtain all of her prizes over the weekend, so now I have a complete set, tally-ho.

Blue, good luck with Sutek's!! I hope you're able to get it without too many more tries!

I am looking forward to the result of Project X tomorrow! It will be interesting to see what this "revenge" is...

Re: Daily Dare 2016

Tue May 03, 2016 1:51 am

I absolutely despise Sutek's Tomb. Finally after... no idea how many games, I finally got a board that ran great. I didn't beat my high score, but managed to get enough to beat AAA. Oh my do I dislike that game now. It is now more despised than Spinacles...

For grins, I tried it on normal instead of hard, thinking it would just take longer to get there, but nope. I did get the fabled Ollie head in that one game though. Even managed to get him to the bottom which was cool, but in Normal mode it does not give a lot of bonus points. Ironically, I finished up with about my average score in Hard (~1,500).

Re: Daily Dare 2016

Tue May 03, 2016 2:04 am

Congrats, Blue!!!! I'm so glad you made it! Wohoo, everyone is 20/20 for AAA!

Can't wait to see what happens tomorrow, now!

Re: Daily Dare 2016

Tue May 03, 2016 2:28 am

Yay! Congrats, Blue!

Re: Daily Dare 2016

Tue May 03, 2016 7:57 am

Congrats Blue! Bandwagon rules even in Daily Dare. LOL.

We have a little hiccup in Daily Dare today. Whatever was going to happen has not been loaded onto the servers yet.


LULU: Gasp AAA, I know what your project is all about!
AAA: What are you talking about?

LULU: I... well, I snuck into your room yesterday and I kind of went through your papers...
AAA: You did WHAT?!

LULU: I had a feeling I knew what was keeping you so busy all along, but I must admit I didn't figure out the whole thing until I saw your papers yesterday... Either way, I think I can help you.
AAA: What do you mean?

LULU: We were in camp together, remember? I can help you finish what you started...

Re: Daily Dare 2016

Tue May 03, 2016 1:46 pm

Hmm... No new challenge (as expected), but no real wrap-up as of 6:45NST. Rather, we have a teaser for more?

Re: Daily Dare 2016

Tue May 03, 2016 5:08 pm

Prizes are available now:


You managed to defeat AAA every day during the Daily Dare. Thats takes fortitude! For this accomplishment, you've earned:
You have earned this smashing trophy:

The Royal Neopian Souvenir Set
Fun Activities for Bored Siblings
Dangerous Maraquan Yo-yo
Game Controller Collectable Charm
10,000 NP

You have earned a site theme. Click Here to activate it now, or you can change it in User Preferences.

Re: Daily Dare 2016

Tue May 03, 2016 6:21 pm

Received the same as Daze. :) The Charm is an album item, so will likely be pretty expensive, and the Yo-yo is yet another battledome item.

...the trophy started a new row in the Site Events category on my User Lookup. O.o we not get some clue of what AAA was up to?! Are they really going to leave us hanging?!!

Re: Daily Dare 2016

Tue May 03, 2016 7:47 pm

Yay, prizes! I also received the same items. Very happy. Very glad I stuck it out on Sutek!

Re: Daily Dare 2016

Wed May 04, 2016 12:11 am

Yay, 4/4 20/20 AAA-stompers!

... What if AAA is getting his revenge on us instead of Roothless by blowing up the site? :thinking:
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