ZH! wrote:
I have a sidebar on my lookup, and it blocks the links to the menu. If someone could please tell me how to fix that, that would be excellent.
My sidebar covers everything but the flash advertisement (If you want to see, click
here. As of now, I have not received a warning for this, though I have heard of it happening. However, I've heard of more people getting warnings for their shields - probably trying to make themselves appear to have old accounts.
ZH! I've never done the custom shield or using the code to get rid of a shield...I always thought that was against the all user stats must show (unwritten) rule. Alot of people who use that longer sidebar are starting to have problems -- it does cover links and the search box, I think that's why.
This is an entire lookup code - background, banner, sidebar, b and p tables, and scrollbar. I put in bold the codes I used for this sidebar - also you can see the size of the sidebar I used. My lookups may belong to me, but any CSS I've learned belongs to everyone
<style type="text/css">BODY{
scrollbar-face-color: #;
scrollbar-arrow-color: #;
scrollbar-track-color: #;
scrollbar-shadow-color: #;
scrollbar-highlight-color: #;
scrollbar-3dlight-color: #;
<style type="text/css">
img {filter: alpha(opacity=0)}
p img {filter: alpha (opacity=100)}
td table {background:transparent}</style>
<style type="text/css">
i.menu{background:url(your url goes here);height:438;width:130;position:absolute;top:35;left:1}</style>
<i class="menu"></i>
<style type="text/css">
{background:url(your url goes here);
height:75;width:400;position:absolute;top:33;left:220;}</style><i class="topbanner"> </i>
<style type="text/css">
body {background:url("your url goes here"); background-attachment: fixed; background-color:#}
td, p, body, a{COLOR:#;FONT-FAMILY:verdana;FONT-SIZE:10pt;}
A:HOVER{cursor: help;color:;FONT-FAMILY:verdana;font-size:8pt;}
p table {border:2px solid #;background:#;filter:alpha (opacity=70)}
b.tabledesc {width:530;border:2px solid #;background:#;filter:alpha(opacity=85)}
p img{filter:chroma(color=white)}
<b class="tabledesc"> </i>
<i class="topbanner"> </i>
<b><i class="return"> </i>
See if that will make your links work at least.