Some people say that you can get frozen from refreshing to much. For example some avatars people say you can only get from refreshing and they say that you can get frozen from refreshing to much. Is that true? ~ x_tammeh
Just like many things in Neopets and life, there is a line. Let's clarify.
- Hitting refresh repeatedly for a few minutes, allowing the page to load. – Great
- Holding down F5 for 10-30 seconds at a time, checking for the avatar/challenger, then trying again if it has not been achieved – Still good.
- Holding down the F5 key for 20 minutes – Okay, but try to take a break for your mental sake and ours.
- Leaving your "cat" on the F5 key while you make a sandwich. – Not good.
- Leaving your "cat" on the F5 key all night while you sleep – Bad.
- Using a program that refreshes for you at the same rate as a human – Frozen!
- Using Opera to open 100+ pages and hitting "refresh all" – VERY frozen.
Basically, anything that plays the site for you, and requires no effort on your part, is considered a "bot" and will get you frozen. Even your "cat." This includes auto refresher functions in browsers, or putting a weight on F5 to do things the old fashioned way. If you don't do any of that, you don't have to worry.
It's near the bottom.