Breene wrote:
I tried out the trick on PPT's homepage that lets you shoot over 200 meters and i have a score that could get me a trophy...My freind got a score high enough for a trophy and a thing came up saying they were reviewing it... He got frozen for "cheeting" on the flash games... Is this safe or not going to risk my account over it. Has anyone been frozen here for using it?

Just as long as you don't get a score higher than what's on the high score tables, you'll be fine it seems. The trick is apparently considered a cheat by TNT, though everyone uses it. I myself don't know what the trick/cheat is... Supposedly you can be frozen for mentioning it on the neoboards or in neomail.
Be happy with a bronze if you do go for the trophy... I don't plan on doing it myself, though I do intend to eventually "Grandmaster" the game by getting over 1000 points.