Morningstar wrote:
dragonmusk wrote:
I am an adult - in an adult guild.
I just noticed that when i went to neomail one of my friends all the ages are reading a maximum of 35.
All ages below 35 are showing properly - just anything above is capped at 35. That should make the demographs of the site interesting!
No persons over 35 play neo
No change on my account. I just checked my neofriends list and it contains many friends with ages over 35 years--some in their 60's, in fact. So, I wonder if it is a glitch with your account.
Oh, I spoke too soon. What just happened is too weird! I went to my neofriends list and saw the true ages of my friends--ranging from 20's to 60's and posted here about it. I then refreshed the page and all of the over-35 friends are now 35. I only wish I had thought to take a screenie of the first page.
Only in a fantasy world like Neopets can you never age beyond 35. Ah, if only it could be that way in real life.
Tested made this fabulous set for me!!! Isn't it great?