Hmm, a weapons lock. Now that's something I didn't think of! But after the awful events of April, alot of us were all for having something to protect our pets, sdb, trades, and even shops in the event of being hacked/cracked/scammed. At the time, I had no interest in battle, and even now my set is very .... basic. But I would hate to lose it again (lost first set in sdb glitch a couple weeks ago and had to rebuy).
The thought back then was to have something like another password (I like a PIN also!) for your sdb, shop, pets, trades so if anything did happen and someone got into your account, they wouldn't be able to steal your stuff, disown your pets, etc. The bank should probably have something extra security wise too. I know we can and I do periodically (for at least a month after April) did a 1np withdrawal 15 times. That at least protects your bank till the next Neopian day. But a pass or PIN on the bank would mean you wouldn't have to worry.
I think something like this should be implemented and we should have a choice on how long, if a "lock" was used, to use that lock. Otherwise, we should have a separate password or pin for weapons, pets (to go to the pound), bank, sdb, trades, shop. I doubt anything for inventory could be done. And really, you shouldn't keep anything really valuable just sitting there anyway due to bad RE's.