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Making Sets On Paint...Any tips?

Wed Oct 13, 2004 1:21 am

I would like to make sets,I've attempted a few for contests,all I have is MS Paint. Any tips for making sets If you don't have any good programs?

Wed Oct 13, 2004 1:24 am

I can't give you any tips with Paint, but you can download a trial of PSP or PS from and respectively.

Wed Oct 13, 2004 1:39 am

Alex wrote:I can't give you any tips with Paint, but you can download a trial of PSP or PS from and respectively.

Well I's just that with my computer it would take about 4 hrs.

Wed Oct 13, 2004 2:09 am

Its worth it. :)

I don't know much either, but PM Dawn. She knows all the tricks of Paint.

Wed Oct 13, 2004 3:15 am

Hmm...I don't have MS paint, so I can't really be of much help. Fiddelysquat seems to be good with it and Dawn can probably help too. Remember: google and ask jeeves can be helpful search engines for tutorials, more google than jeeves though.

Wed Oct 13, 2004 3:19 am

If you're going to download a program, try GIMP. If you download Adobe or PSP you will either have to pay for it, or your trial will stop after a period of time. GIMP is a free program that you can download. I think the site is like or something. I always use a google search when looking for it. :)

Wed Oct 13, 2004 11:42 am

This is going to take awhile.

First, go into Paint. Click on the 'image' tab, then 'attributes'. Set the width to '80' and the height to '80' and make sure you're measuring in 'pixels'. Click okay. Now your screen should of shrunk. Take the solid box tool (not the dotted line box tool) and make a box the size your new, smaller screen. Wah-la. You have the base for your avatar. Click on the dotted-line box tool, and you'll see little green boxes pop up at the corner of your screen. Grab the corner one of those and pull it out as far as you can. Your screen will have returned to normal size. Find an image you'd like to use next. Then, copy/paste it into MS Paint. Drag it using your mouse so it doesn't cover your avatar border. You should still be on the dotted line tool. You'll see on the toolbar that there are two settings for the dotted line tool- one with a small transparent box, and one with a small white box. Click on the small transparent box one, select your avatar, and drag it onto the place of the image you choose. Do the same for the signature. There are many, many more things you can do with Paint, but those you'll have to find out yourself.

Edit by Marissa: This tutorial has been stolen and altered for The Tragic Muse.

Wed Oct 13, 2004 7:07 pm

Here's a trick for resizing images:
Open the image in IE. Make sure your IE options are set so that the image is automatically resized to fit in the window (you can change this by going to Tools > Internet Options > Advanced and scroll down to Multimedia.
Click and drag the edges of the IE window that your image is open in, keep doing this until the image has shrunk down to a small enough size for what you're working on. Take a screenshot (press Print Screen, it should be near the F12 key) and then go back to Paint, and paste the image in. Now crop the image to get rid of the rest of the screenshot.

Edit by Marissa: This tutorial has been stolen and altered for The Tragic Muse.

Wed Oct 13, 2004 8:10 pm

What was said above is the basic of using paint for making sets, but you can also use word to alter the image a bit. If you paste in image on word, I little tool box should show up next to it. There are a couple of stuff you can do with it, like making it black and white, make it more transperant, just play with it a bit and learn what you can do. :)

Wed Oct 13, 2004 11:22 pm

Would I help to mentionthat I have Windows 98,and I'm totally confused?

EDIT:ooh..never mind..I get it now

Wed Oct 13, 2004 11:40 pm

That definatley helps seeing as all I have is MS Paint thanks!

Thu Oct 14, 2004 11:11 pm

Well I've made a few sets!

Ok here's the one I made last night using the PPT banner


and the one for shortin's contest:


Don't think I'm good enough take requests yet but I may try in the future :)

Fri Oct 15, 2004 1:17 am

You may want to try outlining your text so that it stands out better against the rest of the set. See how the letters on your current set are outlined in a darker colour? You can do it in Paint, but it takes what feels like an eternity. Place your text, and then go around it with the pencil tool outlining it all around the edges with a second colour. I usually stick to the smallest size (1 pixel).

Tue Oct 19, 2004 1:54 am

I'll try it sometime when I have time,i'm not too good at drawing with a mouse yet.

Tue Oct 19, 2004 6:27 pm

Callie wrote:I'll try it sometime when I have time,i'm not too good at drawing with a mouse yet.

That's what you use the zoom tool for. :) And that's also what the undo button's for. :)
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