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Thu Sep 02, 2004 10:59 pm

Get your graphics rated here.

Ratings Board Rules:

1. Keep your criticism constructive.
2. You must give/get ratings at a ratio of at least 1:1, that means for every graphic you ask for ratings on, you must rate at least one other. And I mean a meaningful, well-thought out rating, not just a number or "that's good."
New Addition: These numbers do not stack up. If you rated two sets and asked for one rating, you cannot make a post later asking for one free rating because you rated earlier.
And be good about your ratings, if I see continue to see many ratings that simply say "that's good" in many words, I will raise the ratio to 3:1.

3. You may not ask for ratings on work that you did not make.

So you all have something to rate...Any ratings on my current set? It features...a girl I can't remember the name of, from Lunar Legend Tsukihime.

Fri Sep 03, 2004 2:09 am

Articfox (penguin set): Mixed feelings on this one. It looks nice, but you should really do more to your sets. With this one, it looks like you took an image, slapped on a border and some choose a pretty boring font. I kind of like the simplicity, but I really think you could of done more with it.

Eh, yeah...but thats how I like it. I could of done more, but I'm not sure exactly what. The font I think is adequete, its fine for me, but everyone has there opinion...but thanks for the feedback I'll keep some of that in mind.

Fri Sep 03, 2004 2:27 am

Marissa- Beautiful. :) I love the great quality of the image, the font goes very well. All the colors look just fine, as does the background. The main thing I look for when judging sets is if it matches, and this set really takes the cake. I really don't see anything at all wrong with it, other than it looks just a bit crowded. 9.9/10.

Rate my current set, please?

Fri Sep 03, 2004 2:22 pm

It's a great set Dawn! Can't believe you made it in paint :)

The only thing that bothers me is the glare in the face, otherwise, it's reall good =)

Rate my new friends only sign?

Sat Sep 04, 2004 1:07 am

Ryu- Simple, but nice. :) I like the fonts used- I'm a bit iffy about the colors, though. Maybe incorporate a bit of the red in the shoes to the shadow of the font. I like the scanlines and all the colors used. All in all, pretty good. :) 7/10

Rate please?

Image Image

Sat Sep 04, 2004 2:45 am

Wow, thanks Dawn =)

Wow! You did great on this one! In paint! O_O These things are getting more and more amazing! :)

The colors are simple and work well together, but the way the hair is flopped over bothers me a little, 8/10 :)

Sat Sep 04, 2004 12:21 pm

Ryu- just to clear something up, it wasn't all done in MS Paint. I used ImageMagick, Gifworks and a few other browser programs.

Sat Sep 04, 2004 5:30 pm

Dawn - ImageMagick? I got that on my Linux machine, but I can't get it to load for beans. This one's one of my most favourites. Grids are pretty cool looking and I add them on my BGs. The main text is pixely, but there's really nothing you can do about that. There's one thing though: on the subtext, the first P in happy, since it's over the star, looks like a R.

Ryu - Wow, this is nice. Something bugs me about the border though, it looks kind of "doubled". I don't know any other way to explain it. o.o I also think the text woul've looked better with a grey border instead, looks good! :)

Sun Sep 05, 2004 1:56 am

Dawn2 wrote:Ryu- Simple, but nice. :) I like the fonts used- I'm a bit iffy about the colors, though. Maybe incorporate a bit of the red in the shoes to the shadow of the font. I like the scanlines and all the colors used. All in all, pretty good. :) 7/10

Rate please?

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:o 8/10. Awesome! How DO people do those grid thingys :x I love the grid, and font! Only I don't really think the main text on the signature suits it...

Couldsomebody rate my current set, please? My Alex Rider one.

Sun Sep 05, 2004 2:47 pm

Dawn2 wrote:Ryu- just to clear something up, it wasn't all done in MS Paint. I used ImageMagick, Gifworks and a few other browser programs.

Oh ok. I was gonna say. That would take hours :P

DM was on fire! wrote:Ryu - Wow, this is nice. Something bugs me about the border though, it looks kind of "doubled". I don't know any other way to explain it. o.o I also think the text woul've looked better with a grey border instead, looks good! :)

Yeah. Hehe... I forgot to make a new layer for the border and I blurrred it o.o;;

Sun Sep 05, 2004 10:58 pm

Ryu: The font you chose goes great with the picture, and like the others said, the border looks weird/blurry.

Dawn: :o That set is awesome. The only thing that could be done is to make the subtext a bit more noticeable; it kinda blends into the background a little too much.

Chaud: I like how the set is small, although the red seems a little out of place. Looks good though.


Could someone rate these three sets please? XD

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Mon Sep 06, 2004 12:02 am

Dragonfire: I really like all three of the sets. The only complaint I have is that the main text on all the sigs is a bit pixelated around the edges and the bright white for the main color of them stands out a little too much. 8/10 on all 3.

Dawn2: I think the set looks great. I agree though that the subtext is a little hard to see when "happy" crosses over the star in the background. Great use of the grid. 8/10\

Chaud: I think the set is a interesting. I'll admit I don't know what "Alex Rider" is. I like how you blended the images together. The only compliant I have is that there is a very stark contrast between background, text, and border. I don't know if that was the effect you were looking for, but it bothers me a little. Nice job thought. 7/10

Can I get ratings on the 3 variants I did for a sig for a friend?


Mon Sep 06, 2004 12:47 am


1st Set:
I love space art; so I think the picture for this first set is spectacular, I really like how the avatar is differenmt then the usual, I also like the little pixel font in the main gripe about this set is the font used in the sig, it doesn't seem to quite fit, but besides that i very much like it: 7:10

2nd Set:
Another cool space image, the couple things not quite right is the font choice for the main text, and the jaggedness surrounding it. The pixel font is nice, it would look even nicer though if it had the same outline color as the main text: 5:10

3rd Set:
I think this image is the coolest of them all, really great. Again I'm no fan of the font used, actually in my opinion the set would look pretty cool with just the pixel font, but its still nice overall: 6:10

1st & 2nd Set:
I rate these together since there almost identical; I really likr the characters, there cool looking, the font is also nice, even though I think a thinner outline mite make it look main dislike is the background though, it just doesn't seem to fit. but overall I like the characters and font but the background bothers me: 5:10

3rd Set:
Again I like the characters, there cool, the background is ok, could use something a bit more fitting though. I like the font even more in this set because the outline is way skinnier, looks nicer in my opinion; on the blibki pixel font, it looks a little wierd since it colers the whole thingm, maybe keeping it not animated would look a bit nicer in my opinion: 5:10

I have a space set of my own I made rather quickly, ratings are much welcomed. :)


Mon Sep 06, 2004 2:31 am

shinigamisrevenge wrote:Can I get ratings on the 3 variants I did for a sig for a friend?

:O I love that font. and those sigs o.o; Can I have that name of the font? Pleeeease?

Mon Sep 06, 2004 5:00 am

shinigamisrevenge: the sigs are nice i like them. although i think the iamges could use work, because they dont blend really well with the backgrounds. 6/10 for each.

articfox: i really like this set, its nice, clean, and simple. colors match, and the black doesn't stick out more than you want it to. 9/10

rate this set?

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