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Thu Dec 16, 2004 9:03 am

silja: VERY good concept and exicution. i like the background, text, and the image, the image seems like it stands out a bit too muhc though. 9/10

DM: there's smething about teh first set i dont like, maybe im not a red fan, or maybe it's the images you used. anyway, nice job though. you did a nice job with the curvature of the text and did a good job blending. i might try expiementing with other fonts. 6/10
two: i really like this second set. the blues works very well as a contrast with the oranges. you chose good images, and used scanlines well. 8/10

jens: nice set, good use of images. i dont like your font choices though. the avatar cutouts could be seen as a bit busy. 8/10

rate these three sets?

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Fri Dec 17, 2004 1:49 am

Moogie - Wow, those are all very awesome! I'm especially in love with the pink one, it's so soft and has a wonderful mood about it! I love the others as well, but I'm finding the text a bit hard to read on the first sig.. hm, maybe make the shadow a little more opaque? And on the third sig, the main text is a little off-center.. perhaps you intended for it to be that way, though!

Anyway, anyone care to rate my current set? It was a quick one, but I kind of like it!

Fri Dec 17, 2004 1:54 am

Moogie! Your sets are wonderful, although I like the 2nd one best. The first one is good, but it's hard for me to read the signature unless I do it really slowly. The second one is really really awesome. I have nothing bad to say about it. The third one is ok...I don't really like the binary code in the hair, for some reason it makes the avatar look way too busy to me. :/

Riddikulus...I like it, it's nice and all, but I can't honestly figure out what that thing is to the left. o_o It looks washed out, and that I do not like... It almost seems busy and not at the same time if that makes sense... 7/10

Can you guys rate this signature I made for Gaia online? I did it completely from scratch, and it's the first time I've ever done something this complex. :)


Fri Dec 17, 2004 2:00 am

Hehe, that's a luna (lunar?) moth in my siggy. Now that I look at it, it is kinda hard to tell.. lol!

Anyway, love your Gaia sig! I just love images like that.. they're so much fun and interesting to look out!

Fri Dec 17, 2004 11:39 pm

Meowth: that board is very funky! I love what u've put on there. It looks quite well done for first time. My only recommendations is don't be afraid to mess it all up a little. Have some overlaps, and background postcards or something to make it more realistic.


I just made my ava in a rush. Any ratings?

Sat Dec 18, 2004 12:55 am

ecliptic: I like the avatar. It is cute, the colours go well together, and the font for the text fits. I also like how you did the animation of the lights. I give it a 7.5/10.

Can someone rate this blend I made, please and thanks?


Sun Dec 19, 2004 7:50 am

Mary : Good job! I'm not sure why the line on the right hand corner is there (because you like it there, the picture is from a magazine, etc..) but that doesn't really matter. The one picture on the bottom of Ryan might look nice if it was moved a little bit to the left or right, so that it wasn't right under the other, but then I suppose it'd look crouded.. so yes.. :P The colors are awesome. I love how they go from one to the other. 9.5/10.

Okay.. It's almost three in the morning, but I decided I'd mess around with a picture of Josh from one of his newest appearences. This set is still in the making, and I'm looking for suggestions.

Just please keep in mind it's still in need of some tweaking. :)


Sun Dec 19, 2004 8:03 pm

bluehawaii19 Hoooly crap, that's fantastic. Except I didn't realize there was text on it until I stared at it for a while. Very, very good though.

Sun Dec 19, 2004 8:27 pm

Rate my set please?! ^_^

EDIT: Opps sorry thanks for dm to tell me! ^_^

Meowth: It's very good sig for gaia online so ill give 8/10 its not really my taste but it's fine! ^_^
Last edited by Harmony crystals on Sun Dec 19, 2004 8:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Dec 19, 2004 8:29 pm

Harmony, you need to rate someone in order to be rated. Just want to let you know. ;)

Mon Dec 20, 2004 3:17 am

Harmony crystals - The HARMONY_CRYSTALS text is kinda blurry. Did you anti-alias(or whatever it's called) it? I'm don't really liked the font you used for Merry Christmas. On the bottom of your av and sig, it seems like it has a shadow/blur of some sort.. I'm a fan of gray so I love the background. XD

Mary - o0o. Pretty. XD I like the colors and the blend is very nice. I'm guessing the text on the bottom says year by year... The green looks a bit bright on the girl's face(left image). I don't really liek the text coming outta no where{middle image). Overall, it's really good. ^^ I can't do anything close to that. :D

Kitten Medli - I'm not a big fan of celebritys. Well, that's just me. I like the font you used for the main text on the sig. You're going to add a border right, since you said you're gunna tweak it. :D Hmm... the picture doesn't really match the colors... Or does it... o-O[pss! I'm not a good rater XD] Celebrity pics are really hard to work with for me cuz you need to extract it from the original image. Anyways, good job. :)

Mon Dec 20, 2004 3:41 am

magikwishez wrote:
Mary - o0o. Pretty. XD I like the colors and the blend is very nice. I'm guessing the text on the bottom says year by year... The green looks a bit bright on the girl's face(left image). I don't really liek the text coming outta no where{middle image). Overall, it's really good. ^^ I can't do anything close to that. :D

No, the text says "Ryan Starr."
Thanks for the rating :)

Tue Dec 21, 2004 4:56 am

ecliptic: That av is really cute. I know you said you rushed it, but it still looks really nice. :)

bluehawaii19: That blend is awesome! You must have put a ton of work into that. The only thing is the way it is kinda bubbled bothers me. I think it is just a stylistic difference though because it really does work with the image.

Kitten medli: Josh looks a tad bit faded or washed out in this. That might be from the image you started with though. It needs a border, but I assume that's to come after more tweaking. I really like your glow effects around his head. I can never get glow effects right when I try them.

Could someone rate the blog I just made? It is only my second one so I know there's room for improvement.


Tue Dec 21, 2004 6:06 pm

hyperflutterby: very spiffeh, i would have used other fonts and maybe would have put a border around the part where the text comes. for the rest it's very good! but BTW, you might want to get that blog a little smaller, it's over 100kB :)


Rate my set someone?

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Wed Dec 22, 2004 5:23 pm

Jens-I like the boxes in the background, but I don't like the fade on Jens in the av. I suggest not using it. By the way, what's in the background?

hyperflutterby-Wow, that's REALLY big. It's a good use of flames and red and blue. You focus a lot on the picture, but widen the text box a bit so it overlaps the picture a bit and goes closer to Firefox. You have this huge area of blank space.

Harmony Crystals-I can only see the av, but make the harmony crystals a bit bigger and not so cramped. Even though "Merry Christmas" is faded into the background, the reader might not understand what you're trying to say.

Kitten Medli-I suggest using more elegant looking fonts for a set like that, since it seems you're trying to give it a peaceful atmosphere. Also, try not to make the next pixellated.

bluehawaii19-Wow, that's a pretty good job. It's a nice effect trying to make it look like it folds up, but like others said, it's really hard to read the "Ryan Starr".

Mind rating the set I just made? I was playing around, but I like how it turned out, so I might use it. Also, could you please comment on whether or not the av looks better with or without text?

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