I played, and finished it, within about 2-3 weeks of getting my Wii (got it at the midnight Aussie launch).
It isn't very different from using a GC controller, except the aiming's a lot easier imo (i was teeeeerrible at aiming the bow and arrow in OoT).
But since I haven't played the GC version (and probably never will) I'm not really gonna offer opinions on which is better...
On the game as a whole... I thought it was awesome. The horse riding is soooooo fun! Like OoTs (and i fired my N64 up years after finishing it just to ride around the field for a few mins) except even better (more places to go, can use almost all items while on horse, enemies chasing you on the fields). I think its a wonderful addition to the LoZ series, finally bringing it back into the realism of OoT.. and playing through familiar places and fighting familiar enemies which look soooo awesome after their updates is just wonderful. ^____^
The game's own unique element, of the Twilight Realm and Link's Wolf form, are also worthy additions to Link... Hero of Time, Hero of Masks, Hero of Wind.. and now Hero of Light!