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Mon Jun 13, 2005 2:01 pm

halfbakedbliss wrote:I'm downloading the setup now. What server are you all on? Or are there different servers?

As far as I know, there are three servers, but you can go on all three with your character, without losing any info.

Tue Jun 14, 2005 12:28 am

Just got off Birth Island at level 4 (too early?) Username is Barnes.

EDIT: Stuck on Dreadful Epidemic! I can't find the red garbed blokes that are supposed to be camping near the mushroom. ^^;

Tue Jun 14, 2005 7:48 am

Did you find the mushroom part yet? I just did that today. :) If not, here's what you do. Stand at the entrance and walk straight forward to the mushrooms. A popup will appear and tell you what to do next. :)

I'm on the Woopie King part of the episode quest. I've beaten him before many times, before the reset, but I'd like to train up a bit more before I go against him now. ;)

I'm also trying to save up to start a guild. This might take a while. lol :P

My characters are Jasujo (Hawker) and Rixa (Dealer) and Tim's character is FulXar (Warrior). We play on whatever's open, but mostly server 2. :)

Btw, I've noticed the prices for vital jam +5 are nuts. If you get some, find a high priced buyer and you can get decent zuli. :) I sold mine for 68k and Tim found a buyer for 80k. <3

Tue Jun 14, 2005 11:43 am

Jasujo wrote:Did you find the mushroom part yet? I just did that today. :) If not, here's what you do. Stand at the entrance and walk straight forward to the mushrooms. A popup will appear and tell you what to do next. :)

I'm on the Woopie King part of the episode quest. I've beaten him before many times, before the reset, but I'd like to train up a bit more before I go against him now. ;)

I'm also trying to save up to start a guild. This might take a while. lol :P

My characters are Jasujo (Hawker) and Rixa (Dealer) and Tim's character is FulXar (Warrior). We play on whatever's open, but mostly server 2. :)

Btw, I've noticed the prices for vital jam +5 are nuts. If you get some, find a high priced buyer and you can get decent zuli. :) I sold mine for 68k and Tim found a buyer for 80k. <3

Oh yeah, I've made at least over 150k from those Vital Jam +5. My character is Kalim, he's a soldier. Level 24. I play on the 1st Server the most. I just finished the soldier quest, which has you killing a ton of monsters.

Does anyone else have any kind of wings? I do, I find wings very fashionable. :P

Wed Jun 15, 2005 11:58 pm

I think the wings are gorgeous, but only Muses can wear all of them. Everyone can wear fairy wings, though. They're nice, but since my main is a Hawker, I like the extra protection a back shield gives. :)

Thu Jun 16, 2005 12:33 am

Jasujo wrote:I think the wings are gorgeous, but only Muses can wear all of them. Everyone can wear fairy wings, though. They're nice, but since my main is a Hawker, I like the extra protection a back shield gives. :)

Oh yah, I should get a back shield, it's just I spent too much money on faerie wings. :P

40k to be exact.

Thu Jun 16, 2005 12:39 am

I just started playing yesterday. My character is Sunnie, a level 17 soldier right now, bleh. I already bought myself some wings though, so that's good. Wanna be level 30 so I can use the awesome helmet with the horns. :P
I was playing earlier and saw Jasujo, hehe. :P

Thu Jun 16, 2005 3:33 am

Did anyone here try to friend me? Someone named something like Torinth asked to friend me earlier, but I didn't know who they were, so I denied.

I still can't get that Woopie King. I can kill him, but everyone else swarms and I don't get quest credit for it. >.<

Thu Jun 16, 2005 12:18 pm

Sunnie wrote:I just started playing yesterday. My character is Sunnie, a level 17 soldier right now, bleh. I already bought myself some wings though, so that's good. Wanna be level 30 so I can use the awesome helmet with the horns. :P
I was playing earlier and saw Jasujo, hehe. :P

Yah, I'm Level 24, and I'm so close to the awesome armour...

Nope, I don't knwo anyone named Torinth, Jasujo. Also that sucks, with the whole Woopie King thing, what you do, is just wait around for him, have a ranged weapon, and when he apprears, just get the first hit.

Mon Jun 20, 2005 3:12 am

Jasujo wrote:Did anyone here try to friend me? Someone named something like Torinth asked to friend me earlier, but I didn't know who they were, so I denied.

I still can't get that Woopie King. I can kill him, but everyone else swarms and I don't get quest credit for it. >.<

Oops, sorry, that was me. xD

I have three characters: Logarth, a level 26 Muse; Torinth, a level 24 Dealer; and Rolanth, a level 22 Soldier. I usually go on channel 2.

I got a pair of fairy wings for Logarth, and it only cost me like 150k. I can't wait until all of mine go up to level 30 so I can get the better armors. I also got a Sorcerer's Wand free for Logarth because of the quest where you have to kill Daplings and Ranger Daplings to get Stones of Nature.

And I've also made a lot of money with the Vital Jam +5.

Mon Jun 20, 2005 6:19 am

Okay, if I had known it was you, I would have friended you. :P

I'm doing well. Jams are <3 . I just made a clan, but it only starts with 15 spots. :( The friends I was playing with are quickly snatching them up. lol

Mon Jun 20, 2005 2:54 pm

Bleh... The other people are annoying. I'm trying to kill the Queen Bibis myself, but since they're so huge other people starting attacking them. And they're not even bosses, since you're only supposed to help kill the boss creatures and nothing else unless you're in a pary.

Mon Jun 20, 2005 4:57 pm

Now I'm on the Alex the zombie part of the episode quest. I've heard it's been bugged since the last big update, so it's not working and I have to wait until it's fixed to continue. :(

Sat Jun 25, 2005 6:26 pm

Don't you just love this game? They just tripled the exp for a little bit! Too bad it ended so soon! I hope they do it again.

Anyways, I have two characters, both muses.

Mitsu (lvl 31)
Yumiru (lvl 34)

If you ever see me online I wouldn't mind partying or chatting or whatever. See you guys online! :3

Tue Jun 28, 2005 6:58 am

The triple exp event was awesome. :) I got a couple levels. Tim was partied with me and gained like 10 levels. lol
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