If you're feeling down and blue and need a little pick-me-up, then this is the place to be people!
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Don't eat that pie...

Fri Jan 14, 2005 2:08 am


Yet another great film by Legendary Frog! :lol:

Fri Jan 14, 2005 2:42 am

Awww I wish my sound was working right now. (But someimtes they work and sometimes they don't. Bah!) But I read the subtitles and it was HILARIOUS! I loved it, every moment. And it was pretty cute how "Simple and Clean" came on the radio. ^__^ And the Mentos song. And the expressions were funny. :P

Fri Jan 14, 2005 5:20 am

Ooh, that was so funny! I loved every second of it! And the excerpt from Star Wars... :roflol:

I'm with you, Sorrow... I wish I had sound!

Fri Jan 14, 2005 8:59 am

Well, I must be in a bad mood or something cause I didn't even smile while watching it O_o

Fri Jan 14, 2005 8:25 pm

ARK ISH MAH HERO! (AGAIN with the morons with cool hair spikes...:p)

This was the first LF movie I ever saw, and I love it^^ The Matrix Has You inspired me to worship him, though...

Fri Jan 14, 2005 8:37 pm

"Don't you eat that pie!" "Self control..." "Dental plan!"

Fri Jan 14, 2005 9:37 pm

Things that look like an episode of Arthur but aren't always crack me up.
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