OK, as one of the oldsters in this group, I can only say two things: 1. Been there, done that and 2. Just wait until you are in the "twilight" of your years.
Between juggling a job with a crazy boss, a demanding kid (yes, Nat, you are demanding), her school administrators (who don't understand her medical problems), two frolicsome puppies who pee on the floor constantly (bad doggies!), a husband who doesn't know how to change a light bulb, dishes, laundry, the dust bunnies, and a great Neopets account, I am lucky sometimes if I remember my name, let alone what day Father's Day is. And, yes, when at the supermarket, I occasionally forget the bread--but never a special treat for my daughter.
Have some sympathy for your moms! Because, honestly, someday, when you are her age, you will say, how the heck did Mom do it. I know that I do. I never really appreciated all the junk my Mom did until I became a mom myself.
But, I must admit, I have never brought home a mattress, four persian kittens, and a green umbrella!
Tested made this fabulous set for me!!! Isn't it great?