Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
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Sat Jun 12, 2004 8:47 am

Scottnak: How about red instead?

Sat Jun 12, 2004 5:04 pm

Christopher wrote:
Igg wrote:
Christopher wrote:
rageaholic wrote:Christopher: My name isn't christopher. Where would you get a crazy idea like that? My real name is barbara sue.

I don't know how you found I have to get rid of you...and everyone else that saw >_<

Igg: (Singing) "I'm a lumberjack and i'm ok...."

It's things we'd NEVER say

Sorry Igg, twas part of my decietfully evil plan to determine whether you were infact a lumberjack.

Damn. Foiled again.

I sleep all night, I work all day.
I also like to press wild flowers, put on women's clothing and hang around in bars.
Last edited by Igg on Sat Jun 12, 2004 9:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Jun 12, 2004 7:17 pm

Christopher wrote:162 - Its Tuesday and that time again! Lets pokerap!

"Kabuto, Persian, Paras, Horsea.
Raticate, Magnemite, Kadabra, Weepinbell.
Ditto, Cloyster, Caterpie, Sandshrew.
Bulbasaur, Charmander, Golem, PIKACHUUU! "

Things like this make me feel stupid for liking Pokemon.. :?

Sat Jun 12, 2004 10:40 pm

Nobody would never ever say:

"My TNT is always true to their word! They never make us wait with unrealeased things... aren't they considerate!"

"Neoschools came out last week."

"Adam is a sexy beast!" (well some might say that)

Sat Jun 12, 2004 10:47 pm

mocha_san wrote:"Adam is a sexy beast!" (well some might say that)

If someone said that, I would die. Literally.

Me: How could anyone ever like Diana DeGarmo? She sounds like a duck filled with helium. Fantasia for me!

Mark: Same words as above.

Sat Jun 12, 2004 10:55 pm

Hmmm... I complain and side against TNT constantly so heres one I would never say!

"Give TNT a break guys, no one's perfect!"

Sat Jun 12, 2004 11:30 pm

Kitten Medli wrote:
Christopher wrote:162 - Its Tuesday and that time again! Lets pokerap!

"Kabuto, Persian, Paras, Horsea.
Raticate, Magnemite, Kadabra, Weepinbell.
Ditto, Cloyster, Caterpie, Sandshrew.
Bulbasaur, Charmander, Golem, PIKACHUUU! "

Things like this make me feel stupid for liking Pokemon.. :?

162 - Medli and I are best friends, we have sooo much in common! Infact we were gonna give each other makeovers after our tea party!

Sun Jun 13, 2004 12:56 am

sonchynne: I don't miss PPT! Not one bit!

heh... :lol:

Jim: Where is my smoochy woochy teddy bear??? I can't fall asleep without my smoochy!

Igg: Track??? What a dull sport!!

Sun Jun 13, 2004 4:10 am

Christopher: Go Wiggles!

Sun Jun 13, 2004 5:04 am

Christopher wrote:
Kitten Medli wrote:
Christopher wrote:162 - Its Tuesday and that time again! Lets pokerap!

"Kabuto, Persian, Paras, Horsea.
Raticate, Magnemite, Kadabra, Weepinbell.
Ditto, Cloyster, Caterpie, Sandshrew.
Bulbasaur, Charmander, Golem, PIKACHUUU! "

Things like this make me feel stupid for liking Pokemon.. :?

162 - Medli and I are best friends, we have sooo much in common! Infact we were gonna give each other makeovers after our tea party!


Sun Jun 13, 2004 8:46 am

TiggersHB wrote:
Igg: Track??? What a dull sport!!


That is sooooooooo like, whatever.

Sun Jun 13, 2004 1:50 pm

lol Well I'm sorry Igg. All the good ones for you had already been done :P

Sun Jun 13, 2004 1:58 pm

T.M.W.A.C.H.N: I hate that ugly red beanbag!

Mon Jun 14, 2004 4:14 am

Alisquid: "Arooooo! Oh, I wish I was a coyote so I could eat little kittens..."

Mon Jun 14, 2004 11:16 am

Christopher wrote:162 - Medli and I are best friends, we have sooo much in common! Infact we were gonna give each other makeovers after our tea party!

I don't hate Medli! Okay, I'd never give anyone a makeover, EVER... but I like tea parties. They're fun to set on fire.
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