Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
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Mon Jun 07, 2004 4:27 pm

Sock: I just LOVE math!

Me: Exams are fun :roll:

Mon Jun 07, 2004 6:06 pm

Anubis wrote:Jade: evry1 @ ppt is lyk soooo brin thy thnk thy'r lyk soo k00l wen there st00pid...

You remember I actually said that once? :P

Anubis: Hamsters... yuck!

Alex: Caffeine? No effect on me. Ear-muffs? They make me hyper hyper hyper! :D

Mon Jun 07, 2004 8:15 pm

Christopher wrote:
rageaholic wrote:Christopher: My name isn't christopher. Where would you get a crazy idea like that? My real name is barbara sue.

I don't know how you found I have to get rid of you...and everyone else that saw >_<

Igg: (Singing) "I'm a lumberjack and i'm ok...."

For some odd reason, I've had that song stuck in my head.
Oh, and Chris- for some odd reason I always thought your name was Robert. O.o

Mon Jun 07, 2004 8:37 pm

162 wrote:
Christopher wrote:
rageaholic wrote:Christopher: My name isn't christopher. Where would you get a crazy idea like that? My real name is barbara sue.

I don't know how you found I have to get rid of you...and everyone else that saw >_<

Igg: (Singing) "I'm a lumberjack and i'm ok...."

For some odd reason, I've had that song stuck in my head.
Oh, and Chris- for some odd reason I always thought your name was Robert. O.o

There goes the other secret...Barbara Sue Roberts?

162 - I wanna puppy for cwismas!

Mon Jun 07, 2004 8:44 pm

Christopher wrote:162 - I wanna puppy for cwismas!

Oh yeah, you're going to pay for that one.

Chris: OMG, an Orphen marathon! I just LOVE Dortin!

Chris: Aah, New Zealand. Where men are men, and sheep are scared.

Chris: What are you talking about!? Santa Claus is real! He has to be!!! *Falls onto his knees and begins sobbing uncontrollably*

Mon Jun 07, 2004 9:27 pm

162 wrote:
Christopher wrote:162 - I wanna puppy for cwismas!

Oh yeah, you're going to pay for that one.

Chris: OMG, an Orphen marathon! I just LOVE Dortin!

Chris: Aah, New Zealand. Where men are men, and sheep are scared.

Chris: What are you talking about!? Santa Claus is real! He has to be!!! *Falls onto his knees and begins sobbing uncontrollably*

1. Those who say things like that turn wake up with Concrete shoes.
2. Meh...*Puts on Singlet and Gumboots*
3. Here in New Zealand us English decendants call him Father Christmas, not Santa Claus. Anyway, the Big FC gives presents of Weaponry, sowing machines, and giant beaver damns compared to the things Santas poofy little elves make (see case study: Narnia).

162 - Its Tuesday and that time again! Lets pokerap!

"Kabuto, Persian, Paras, Horsea.
Raticate, Magnemite, Kadabra, Weepinbell.
Ditto, Cloyster, Caterpie, Sandshrew.
Bulbasaur, Charmander, Golem, PIKACHUUU! "

Mon Jun 07, 2004 10:25 pm

ChromeFox: Texas = Worst

Tue Jun 08, 2004 4:09 am

Christopher wrote:
rageaholic wrote:Christopher: My name isn't christopher. Where would you get a crazy idea like that? My real name is barbara sue.

I don't know how you found I have to get rid of you...and everyone else that saw >_<

Igg: (Singing) "I'm a lumberjack and i'm ok...."

It's things we'd NEVER say

Tue Jun 08, 2004 8:13 am

Igg wrote:
Christopher wrote:
rageaholic wrote:Christopher: My name isn't christopher. Where would you get a crazy idea like that? My real name is barbara sue.

I don't know how you found I have to get rid of you...and everyone else that saw >_<

Igg: (Singing) "I'm a lumberjack and i'm ok...."

It's things we'd NEVER say

Sorry Igg, twas part of my decietfully evil plan to determine whether you were infact a lumberjack.

Tue Jun 08, 2004 10:58 am


Oh, who is the Fiddely in your neighborhood
In your neighborhood
In your neighborhood, oh
Who is the Fiddely in your neighborhood...
The Fiddely that you see
When you're hiding in a tree...
The Fiddely that you see...

Thu Jun 10, 2004 7:32 pm

Morningstar: Neopets is evil. EEEEVVVVVVVVIL. I never had any glitches happen to be and I hate being a bag lady. I'm so poor I make my pets like off chocolate cake! I also hate purple neggs and newbies who sell elephante transmogs for 25 np.

(That's the experiance I've had sitting next to her playing computers EVERY...SINGLE...DAY.)

Iconoplast: I hate neoquest II! I wish it would shrivel up and die! I'd never waste my time on such a stupid thing!

Jim: I'm in love with britney spears! *stares longingly at photos of britney from*

Thu Jun 10, 2004 7:56 pm

Alex : Evanescence are so over.

Sorry just had to put it Alex :P

Sat Jun 12, 2004 2:15 am

Commanderswiss: "Rowling, Tolkien, Jordan, Peirece, anything
Sci-fi/fantasy stinks like rotten eggs! Gah! I wish the world was free of such horrible things!"

Glasscharm: "Dork and Little Brother are both so dreamy! How could I ever pick which one of them I want to marry?!"

Alisquid: "I love the Ella Enchanted movie, I hate the book, though."

Christopher: "Oh how I ADORE the feeling one gets when he or she touches a slug!"


Yoshi: "I feel so proud about deciding not to go to that July 10th competition that I could just sing!"

Sat Jun 12, 2004 8:09 am

White_Wolf wrote:Glasscharm: "Dork and Little Brother are both so dreamy! How could I ever pick which one of them I want to marry?!"

<sarcasm>Oh, that is so what I'd say.</sarcasm> XDD

White_Wolf: I love nose bleeds! I'm so addicted to it!


Sat Jun 12, 2004 8:36 am

White_Wolf wrote:ScootNak: "DOWN WITH THE SIMPSONS!"


White_Wolf: Gtg.

Lillie: Books? Who needs books. I'm going to watch some TV.

Vkceankraz: ^___^ I luv smillies :P :o :D
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