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 Post subject: Serious question - do you guys believe in ghosts?
PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 11:42 am 
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I was thinking about this tonight - and I hear all these stories about people who have these encounters, but I guess you never really believe in them until you have a personal encounter yourself. What do you think?

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 1:16 pm 
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No, I don't believe in ghosts.

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 1:24 pm 
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I'm open to the possibility. I've never had an encounter myself so I can't say for sure.

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 1:26 pm 
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Yes, I do believe in them. ^_^;; In fact, the other night I dreamed I was a ghost -- If I didn't believe in them, would that make it a paradox and would I have disappeared? *muses*

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 1:38 pm 
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Yes, I definitely believe in ghosts! I believe they are all around us. A lot of people can sense things that aren't there. We all occasionally see dark floaty things in the corners of our eyes. They could be explained by tiredness and other things, but I believe that a lot of the time, they are spirits. Loads of people hear funny noises like bangs in the night, or voices in the distance. These could also be caused by ghosts.

I've never fully seen a ghost but I have seen and heard the above and I will never lose faith in ghosts and spirits. They are out there. Some are melevolant but most are benevolent and usually want to protect us or just be by our side. Ever lost a pet? I've lost loads. I still believe that these orbs I see and the shadows, are the ghosts of my pets by my side ^^

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 3:05 pm 
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I'm Christian and some people say that I shouldn't believe in a ghost.
Others have told me that if I see a ghost that means the person wasn't saved. They might be seeking a way to right a wrong, clear their name, or maybe they could care less and they are still evil and looking to have a good time scaring others. I don't know, because people see children's ghosts, and I think children are mostly innocent and probably don't know they are dead.

But also there is one place in the Bible where they think Jesus was a ghost when they see him, and he says "Touch me and see that I am not a ghost." Now why would they think he was a ghost if there isn't a such thing? And why would they know that if they touched him and he was solid that he wouldn't be a ghost? Why did they believe in ghosts if there is no such thing? I believe in demons but I've never seen one of them either, but there are times I feel really creepy in some places, as if there is just evil in the room. And I've seen people give me an evil look before.

Also there are times when a dog or cat will seem to freak out for no good reason, barking at nothing or staring intently at the wall. Who knows what they can see?

Are ghosts really people who were once alive, or are they stored memories? Some people believe ghosts are just stored memories. The average wall contains water, probably more water than you would think. Some people think water has the ability to "remember" things. Well it remembers what it has come into contact with.

They say you can add some medicine to water. Then you take the water and dilute it halfway. Then you take some of that water and dilute it with more water. Then you take some of that and dilute it with more. You keep doing that until you are supposed to have "pure" water. But somehow the water "remembers" that it once had medicine in it. Then you can drink this pure water and get the same health benifits. That is the basis of homeopathic theorpy, and it has been proven to work in labs in some situations, but they can't figure out why you body reacts to what is supposed to be pure water, but the body reacts as if the water has medicine in it, just the same.

They say that if water can remember medicine, it might can remember you. And somehow if you died a violent way or something tramatic happened to you, that water would remember. Then somehow as water evaporated it would form an image of you replaying whatever it was you did, which is why people see ghosts in places like dungeons and dark dank spooky places. I don't know if people see ghosts in phoenix arizona, but maybe it doesn't take a lot of water to work.

Water might also form the image of something that used to exist, such as a lochness monster Plesiosaur or even bigfoot gigantopithecus. Which is why these things are seen but then seem to disappear suddenly. They don't really exist anymore, you just saw water.

I don't know if I believe the water theory, but it is pretty interesting.


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PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 3:07 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Yes, see them fairly regularly, have never heard them though, which is a bit of a bummer.

smudgeoffudge; "The father, the son and the holy ghost" basically does it.
Without wanting to go into the theology of it all, ofcourse.

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 3:33 pm 
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Sure do! :) I used to see and hear them a lot more when I was younger, but I think that's more on where I was living. We've had several different homes and I like the one we live in now because it feels "free" and peaceful. Nothing against ghosts, but I like peace and quiet. :)

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 5:53 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
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I don't know much of what to make of ghosts. Maybe they're demons or angels or something.

That water thing though.. thats whack. xD


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PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 6:07 pm 
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Yes,I do.I've even seen a few.

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 6:16 pm 
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I do, although the closest I've come to seeing or hearing one is a ghost cat. A few weeks after we put our cat to sleep, I woke up in the middle of the night to meowing out in the hall. (No, we didn't have another cat). It soon stopped and I went back the sleep. In the morning, I figured I had just dreamed it. I didn't think much more of it until I mentioned it to my parents. My dad just looked at me strangely and said, "You heard it, too?"
I did try to figure out if it could have been some other noise, but throughout his 14 years Sandy would meow at my door each night so he could come sleep with me, and I wouldn't have mistaken the sound, even half-asleep. And it was very early spring, so we didn't have the windows open, and it clearly came from the hall.
So either we had the same dream, or we got a visit from the ghost of San Diego. :)

Speaking of weird dreams with cats, one I dreamt I was sleeping with my current kitty, Pumpkin. When I woke up I had a pillow I made with a picture of him in my arms. That was funny. :)


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PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 7:00 pm 
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I heard a story once about a man who had his poodle visit him in the middle of the night. He just hung on to the dog knowing it couldn't stay around long, since it was a ghost. Then the next morning he found a few hairs under his fingernails and had them tested and they were poodle hairs. I think this was on Jeff Rense's call in show sightings that I heard this story told.

Also, I've worked as a CNA in a nursing home for years and I've had weird things happen before. One time we had this empty room that was for a more amblitory person. The call for help string was up higher and only a standing person could have reached it. It was in the shower of the room, and at the time no one was in the room or using the room. This string had to be pulled and actually kind of hard since it was a bit disused. So I won't say it was rusty, just kind of not used much. It was pulled once night and either someone was pranking us, or it was a ghost. But at the time I didn't see anyone go down the hall and come back up the hall. The thing just got pulled and no one was around, we were all sitting around the nurses station. I don't think a resident could have done it either, because they were all in wheelchairs and kind of slow, so they wouldn't have had time to pull it and leave the room. It was really weird.
I've also had call lights that go off in an empty room. I always seems to happen after someone dies, within a few days or hours after they die. It usually happens when we have a resident who uses the light a lot, then they continue to use it after they die I guess, trying to get help.


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PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 8:02 pm 
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No, I don't believe in ghosts - partially because I've never encountered one - but mainly because my view on life and it's phenomenons is strongly based on science and logic. I believe that spirits and supernatural beings are developed in the human mind or are the result of normal anatomical functions.
For example, ghosts "seen out of the corner of the eye" can be accounted for by the high sensitivity of a part in our vision, which is outside the center of gaze. This is called peripheral vision, which can easily mislead anyone, especially late at night (hence graveyards and monsters in closets), when the brain is tired and more likely to misinterpret sights and sounds. In addition, the tendency of seeing human forms, faces and silhuettes in random patterns, is no more than a psychological phenomena and can be compared to a subject many know as "what-do-you-see-in-this-ink-blot?".

Uh oh. And before anyone asks, yes I am an atheist :)


Last edited by munduses on Thu Feb 08, 2007 8:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 8:37 pm 
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No, but I might if I actually saw one.


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PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 8:45 pm 
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I am an atheist to the absolute. I only believe in what can be proven, and the existence of ghosts has not been proven.

(However, I do believe in life in space, simply because it is ridiculous, not to mention arrogant, to assume that in a huge universe with trillions of planets, there is only one with life. In fact, I consider this assumption to be "something that cannot be proven", rather than the other way around.)


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Last edited by Tymaporer on Thu Feb 08, 2007 8:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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