I know, and it's usually not like me to bother others with my problems, but still...
one of my (ex) friends, she's hyper sensitive. We've been friends for over four years, and the only time she ever listened to me and my problems was when my grandma nearly died, my parents broke up and one of our dogs died, all of this at the same time. I on the other hand have been there for her whenever she needed, day time, night time, any time.
I'm studying in Finland for 6 months, going home in four weeks, and this is only the second time she's tried to contact me. So today when she came online, I told her that she'd probably had a new boyfriend and hadn't had the time for me (sort of mockingly). She said this was true, but she was sorry. Either way, long story short, I told her that I thought this was enough and that I was calling it a day.
She completely agreed with everything I said and that she hadn't been the best friend, but she was sorry. I basically said that that didn't do me any good and that she'd reached my limit. After that she just said 'okay, goodbye then'
Now I'm wondering whether I did the right thing or not...
if you would please just give me your honest opinion, I'm not after the 'oh, yes, you poor thing' comments, I just want you honest opinion. Please