shapu wrote:
Kugetsu wrote:
skizzy the wonder lizard wrote:
words never hurt a damn thing. it is utterly ridiculous to pretend like they do.
Wow, just wow. That's utterly ridiculus.
I think Skizzy's saying that words we consider "swears" don't hurt anyone.
At least, that's what I presume.
that's exactly what i'm saying. i'm also saying that words only have the power to hurt when that power is given to them, not by the speaker or writer of the words, but the receiver.
i can call somebody names all day long, and they can either care that i'm throwing words at them or not. if they don't care, then my words aren't harmful at all. i'm powerless over them.
on the other hand, i can throw bricks at someone all day long, and whether or not they care, it's still going to hurt them. unless they're dead. i have full power over them.
why do we give swear words power? giving the words power takes away our power. which is why this censorship is wrong.
words AREN'T harmful. it's how you take in those words that can hurt feelings. so do yourself a favor and lighten up. if you don't get shocked when you hear a "bad" word or don't let your feelings get hurt if someone calls you dumb or something, then all words will be harmless to you and you'll have power over the words rather then them having power over you.
"mild" curse words make no sense to me. how is saying "fudge" any different from saying the f word? you're still inserting unnecessary words. you're still implying the "worse" word. and why are certain words considered milder than others? like "crap" versus the s word. it means excrement, no matter how you slice it. so who give a crap which word is used?