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PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2004 9:56 pm 
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I have gone through various usernames here and my first one here was Hell_Guardian since that was part of my Ezboard name at the time I signed up for the PPT Forum. My other usernames are:

The Scorpion: My nickname for myself ever since I first created a CAW of myself in WWF Warzone and thought this is a good nickname for myself.

Kurt Angle: (Complete with Pittsburgh as Location, in the box below the Avatar I put
It's True, It's True
and in the Sig I put
I will make you tap out.
) This was during the time someone on the old PPT Forums called Mr.Crossword who would daily put the Crossword anwsers in the Neopets Help section of PPT was going by the name of The Rock. He was going by the name of his favorite wrestler and I was going by the name of my favorite wrestler.

puffchris: The name I was using during the Meridell vs Darigan war.

Shadow_Usul: During Hallowen 2002 I changed my name to this.

Christmas_Shadow_Usul: During Christmas 2002 and Christmas 2003 I changed my name to this.

Cyber_Shadow_Usul: During this time I was think what if the Shadow Usul was robotised?

Cyber_Shadow_Usulv1: Because I am a Matt Hardy Verison 1 fan.

Chris W(Cyber_Shadow_Usul): During the time I was cheering for the Cyanna in the Staff Survivor which Yukio set in a haunted manison. BTW Cyanna won it and Stephy was the last victim in it.

EXTREME Cyber_Shadow_Usul: I used this during the EXTREME fad.

Combusken: When I brought Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire

Count Combusken: During the time when we had God Wars on the God board before the Split there was some vampirism going on so I chose Count Combusken. Now if my memory serves me right God Wars was moved to Devine Demento(The Gods board's second subboard) after Jim split the God board.

Combusken BG: When I reached Beyond Godly during the Meridell vs Kass war I changed my name to this.


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PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2004 10:16 pm 
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svki- My Neopets username (frozen exactly one year ago, come Monday) at the time. Last three letters are my last three initials. 'avki' (my full set of initials) was taken, so I used an 's' instead, as 'Sasha' is what my family calls me...

Weather Witch- I was very bored with svki, and was currently obsessed with the character of Triss, from Tamora Pierce's CoM and CO series'. Triss's nickname is 'Weather Witch'. Or, at least, that's what Briar calls her, anyway.

Alexandra- My name.

...Alex- Tired of Alexandra, and Alex was taken.

All other names: Pranks for ASP, or that prank the staff played on April Fools Day. *Cackles*

can't find the sig from this set, so instead, you get a <3 .

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2004 10:17 pm 
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It's just my name.

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2004 10:29 pm 
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Same here. Its my first name + part of my last name

Scott Nak (amura)

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2004 10:54 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
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My name is Christopher. Faaaabulous.

 Post subject: Re: The History of your PPT Username
PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2004 11:31 pm 
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Kristina wrote:
This was one of the old PPT's Topics, so I thought I'd bring this up again!

How did you come up with your PPT Username? Mine's obvious, I couldn't think of a super-cool name, so I put in my real name. (I was originally gonna do Flame, but, as you can see, Flame took it already XD)

Indeed, I did take it. :P

Um, I started with Firefly as a screen name. And the concept of fire just sorta.....stuck. ^.^


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PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2004 11:34 pm 
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Hmm, I've had a number of names on ppt... werepup was the main one, and it was just a play on the word werewolf, and the fact I like dogs... (and Seth Green when he played a werewolf in Buffy) Elle was a school nickname, and Iya was a Scout nickname. Those are the main three.


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PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2004 11:45 pm 
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Runevalkyrie came up when I was playing around with RPG classes.... it sounded cool so I stuck with it :D

.. In between the cover of another perfect wonder where it’s so white as snow //
Running through the field where all my tracks will be concealed and there's nowhere to go...

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2004 11:59 pm 
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Koku came out when I was going through an angst stage, and my friend and I decided to open up a poetry site. I went to my japanese translator to find a good writing name, and I got the full name of Kokushibyou Takusen, which means Black Death Oracle (yes, I was oh so angsty). It was shortened to Koku as a nickname because Kokushibyou is a handful to type, and it stuck. :D So now I'm here as Koku.

Time stops for no one.

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 27, 2004 12:18 am 
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I was originally bobsmith1698, after my original neopets account.

I shortened it to Bob, soon after.

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 27, 2004 12:27 am 
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Blame a girl mag quiz for it. It was a personality test that determined what your favourite number said about you- and I said my fave number was 162. Just to be mean.

It's also shortened from dragonlover162, my username on Neopets. :)

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 27, 2004 1:01 am 
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Hmm....I've gotta check out this forum more often, there's some interesting topics here.

It's not really a history of my PPT name, since I use amarise EVERYwhere, unless it's taken already (and it's only been taken on one site so far). Anyway, I used to be a big Xena fan. Watched it all the time, except it was on at 12am on channel 33 on Saturdays, so it was kind of a hassle. In the later seasons, they introduced a character named Amarise. I didn't like the character, but I thought the name was really cool, so it stuck with me. I didn't actually use it for a long time, since for the first year or so of internet use I signed up for web sites as either Bombalurina or Grizzabella. (The musical Cats, if you're wondering) Well, one day I decided to check out this virtual pets site called NeoPets, which my brother had told me about. I thought most virtual pet sites were stupid (not being a big Tamagotchi fan myself) but it looked interesting, so I signed up. Or tried to, anyway. Every name I'd ever used had been taken already, and I didn't want to be one of those people who added _091365 to the end of their name. I wanted something original, that no one had used before. While racking my brain, I remembered the name of amarise. I tried it, and lo and behold I was the first one to think of it! Ever since then, I've used it for every web site. I recently looked it up, and I found out it's Hebrew, and means given of God, so it's doubly cool for me now. <3


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PostPosted: Sun Jun 27, 2004 1:01 am 
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Tharkun is what the Dwarves call Gandalf. I chose it mainly because Dwarves are cool. Especially when they're trying to retake Moria. Also, my Lord of the Rings obsession far outweighed my Harry Potter obsession at that point. It must have been 2002 - the low point of the three-year summer. Ah no, I remember, it debuted as my Furcadia username in November of 2001.

Do what you will; but I will hinder it if I may.

-- Eowyn of the Mark

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 27, 2004 1:14 am 
Beyond Godly
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Originally my name was Killer Pikachu, then Demented Pikachu, then Demented Queen Pikachu. I have no idea what brought that up. O_o;;

Then it was ~~Zero~~, because I wuv Zero and the ~'s made it look pretty. Then I decided it was too long so I renamed myself Zero!, because Zero was taken and I've seen other people with ! in their username so I used it. I've changed usernames a bunch of times, but they've pretty much all been after Megaman characters. w00t.

Zero set 13 of 26

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Jun 27, 2004 1:20 am 
Beyond Godly
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Sathanase, name of my first pet on neopets (whom is named after the Sathanas class juggernaught from freespace 2, sathanas was already taken so i added an 'E' )

Bryliddassion, lasted about a day but meh, means 'opener of the gates of

doom' another name of my daemon prince for warhammer 40k (tabletop wargame...chess with guns as its been called)

the pestilent 1 , lasted all of three seconds, name i use on another forum ('the pestilent one, was too long y'see)

Setekh, main name of my daemon prince, egyptian god of sands and foreign lands (everything that represented hostility) the bringer of chaos and disorder.

i also used the name of my daemon princes sword but i cant remember it right now...

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