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My daughter's birthday :)

Tue Jun 15, 2004 1:22 am

My daughter Jasmine's birthday was Friday the 11th and I totally forgot to tell most of my online friends. Well, I decided to post it here since a couple people have asked me when it was, so I can direct them all to the same place. :)

She turned the big 5. :) We went out Thursday night and got her some cool presents. Her sisters each picked something out for her. Gwen got her a Bedtime Bear Water Baby. It was a little *too* real for me and freaked me out to hold it. lol Robin got her the blue Fairytopia Barbie. Morgan got her the Barbie in Swan Lake computer game (is has different puzzles and games and excellent graphics). Tim and I got her the Fairly Oddparents PS2 game, which so far is even hard for us. :) We also got her sour cream & onion Pringles, mini Reese's cups, and gummi Life Savers. :) Tim's sister came in for the weekend to stay with us and we had our little party on Friday and gave her our presents. She chose to have McD's Happymeals for her birthday dinner, which helped my plushie count. ;) lol

On Saturday, we had a cookout at our house for family to come celebrate. My parents, sister, grandma and Uncle Bob came. We had barbeque ribs, hamburgers, hot dogs, salt potatoes, and macaroni salad. My sister grabbed a Carvel ice cream cake. The girls ran around the lawn for a bit and I gave my grandma a tour of the house, which she liked a lot. :) On Sunday, we went to Limited Too and used some coupons we had to grab some Neopets plushies and an outfit for Morgan and Jasmine. Then we went home and they all played with Jasmine's new presents in their new clothes. :)

Oh! Also, right before the party, we got a package from a good friend who had bought some Neopet plushies and such that weren't being sold in our area and we gave them to all the girls as presents for Jasmine's birthday. :)

It was a good weekend and Jasmine had an excellent time. :)

Btw, the girls have a Neopets account: halligan_jones. Jasmine's pet is Jasmine_Brianna the Blue Bruce. If anyone would want to send her a little present, I'm sure she'd be ecstatic. :D

Tue Jun 15, 2004 1:31 am

What kind of things does she like? I'd love to send something over. :)

Tue Jun 15, 2004 1:40 am

I sent a few gifts. :)

Tue Jun 15, 2004 1:44 am

Fiddelysquat wrote:What kind of things does she like? I'd love to send something over. :)

Hmm. Well, she's got a petpet and I have no idea what color if she even wants to paint her pet, so she doesn't need those. Maybe neohome stuff? Our next project is to build their neohome and they each want seperate rooms for their neopets. :) I'd say codestones, but training isn't really fun for her yet, as she can't really see anything happening and she don't battle anyway. It wouldn't hurt to be trained for the future, though. She hasn't read any books, either. I'd say something for her neohome room would be the best, though, because that's something she can play with and arrange and see. (They are still trying to raise the np to build the neohome, so it's not up at the moment. :) ) She'd be happy with anything. :)

Tue Jun 15, 2004 1:58 am

That's perfect! I LOVE funky furniture, and I have quite the collection. I'll be sure to send her some furniture.

Tue Jun 15, 2004 1:59 am

Thats cool :) Ill send what I have to her :)

Tue Jun 15, 2004 2:02 am

Her birthday on Friday certainly went better'n mine ;p

*will send something along... when I can actually access neo*

Tue Jun 15, 2004 2:04 am

Okay, Neopets ALWAYS goes down when I need to do something on it. -_-

Tue Jun 15, 2004 2:08 am

Fiddelysquat wrote:Okay, Neopets ALWAYS goes down when I need to do something on it. -_-

Lol. Tell me about it. I was just about help the girls get their neohome and play some games on their account while they are asleep and the site goes down. What's the point of doing something secretly if you can't do it while it's a secret? ;)

Tue Jun 15, 2004 2:58 am

Oh goody!!I'll PM you about a preasent!!

Tue Jun 15, 2004 3:55 am

wellllll, i would sent a present... buuuttt i have nothing to send her, besides, i think i forgot me password
sorry :(

Tue Jun 15, 2004 4:00 am

Btw, her favorite color is blue, if that helps any. :)

Tue Jun 15, 2004 4:11 am

I suppose I could send some furnishings...

Tue Jun 15, 2004 9:22 am

I would have loved to have sent something over, mate, but unfortunately, TNT in their wisdom have frozen yet another Jim account :roll:

You'd think they didnt like me or something :lol:

No matter. Pass on my best wishes, please :)

Tue Jun 15, 2004 9:30 am

Send her birthday greetings from a "lily-pad-with-a-frog-on-top-that-croaks-ribbit-ribbit", as is one of my nicknames made up by a friend. :P She'll be intrigued, I'm sure.

I'd send her something but unfortunately my account is a new one with nada in it. Anyway, I'm glad that her birthday went so well. :D
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