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The Great O' Sleeping habbits thang...

Tue Sep 21, 2004 6:45 pm

Yeaaah...I decided to make an ittle sleeping thang.


Basicly, it's just a sort of form thang I made up :lol: About sleepy stuff.

^^ we go..ness...

What do you wear (or not!) for bed?:

What time do you go to bed?:

What's your bed like?:

What is your usual bedtime routine?:


What do you wear (or not!) for bed?:

Depends on t'weather. If it's really hot, then...not much. :p I have been known to kick off random items of clothing in my sleep when I'm hot. Such as my pj bottoms. O.o I woke up last monday with them up by my pillow! If it's warmish, then I'll wear either a nightie, or pj bottoms and an old t-shirt *normally an old lime green or banana yellow one* or an old strappy top. Then if it's cold then I'll wear a pj top and bottoms, sometimes with an old t-shirt underneath. ^^ Phew...

What time do you go to bed?:

Half ten on weekdays, any time on weekends. :p I keep a routine so it's easier to get to sleep.

What's your bed like?:

Messy. I don't have the time to make it in the mornings, so I leave it, with little silky pillows everywhere and a teddy halfway down the bed. ^^

What is your usual bedtime routine?:

At 9pm I go offline from the computer, and just read a book or something and drink hot blackcurrent until I go to bed..oh, and I have a bath at around 8 aswell ^^


Tue Sep 21, 2004 6:53 pm

What do you wear (or not!) for bed?: Depends on my mood, most nights a tee and boxers

What time do you go to bed?: varies on people on msn

What's your bed like?: comfy but lonely

What is your usual bedtime routine?: go to bed when someone goes off msn, then wake up at 7, get up at 7.30 (weekdays) it 9 on a saturday and whenever I feel like it on a Sunday

Tue Sep 21, 2004 7:08 pm

What do you wear (or not!) for bed?: Pajama's. Its a green t-shirt with turtles on it, and green pants with turtles on it.

What time do you go to bed?: About 10:30, so I can get to bed by 1.

What's your bed like?: Comfortable, neat, and very clashy.

What is your usual bedtime routine?: Take a shower, read in bed, listen to music a bit, try to get to sleep for a few hours.

Tue Sep 21, 2004 7:12 pm

What do you wear (or not!) for bed?: Sweat pants or short pants with an oversized tee

What time do you go to bed?: School night - Midnight, vacation, weekend, 2-4 AM.

What's your bed like?: Its a high bed, theres enought room to sit down underneath it, but my doggy sleep there.
The pillow and blanket covers are a set from hot topic which my mom got me >.<, Pretty cool looking though...

What is your usual bedtime routine?:

Finish up with the computer ( check PPT, neo...), set the AC timer, change, make my bed, sprinkle baby powder over it, and lie down... I never sleep under the blankets...

Tue Sep 21, 2004 7:19 pm

What do you wear (or not!) for bed?:

Well, let me be the first to say.... Nothing...

What time do you go to bed?

I haven't really got a set time, but, usually between 11 - 12pm

What's your bed like?

A very old bed, a large oaken bed, with large bed heds, with a large, cooshy matress. Three pillows, and a blue, thin sheet.

What is your usual bedtime routine?

Muck about on the computer, until I'm tired, read for about half an hour, then write a diary entry, before going to sleep.

Tue Sep 21, 2004 7:21 pm

What do you wear (or not!) for bed?: Nothing

What time do you go to bed?: Whatever time I want to go.

What's your bed like?: Comfortable.

What is your usual bedtime routine?:
I don't have a strict routine.

Tue Sep 21, 2004 7:59 pm

What do you wear (or not!) for bed?: Eh, pajama bottoms (capris) and a tee. Nothing special. I don't like matching pajamas, though. 0_o

What time do you go to bed?: I'm supposed to go to bed at 10:00, since I have to get up at 5:30 for school. But I usually don't get to bed until 10:30 or so. Weekends I go to bed around 12.

What's your bed like?: Just a regular bed. Queen sized, green sheets. A stuffed animal or two sitting on it. Four pillows.

What is your usual bedtime routine?: Hm..brush my teeth, read or write for a little bit, set my fan to run for a hour if it's hot, then sleep. :)
Last edited by The Fifth Marauder on Tue Sep 21, 2004 8:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Sep 21, 2004 8:01 pm

What do you wear (or not!) for bed?: Boxers, usually, or nothing if I've had a shower before I go to bed, or when it's summer time.

What time do you go to bed?: Any time between 9-11 on school days, and 10-2ish if I ever feel up to it.

What's your bed like?: A matress, a bed sheet, two pillows, a duvet..

What is your usual bedtime routine?: Get unchanged...climb ladder, lie on bed, pull duvet over, rest..fall asleep. =)

Tue Sep 21, 2004 8:10 pm

What do you wear (or not!) for bed?: Nothing. I'm so glad I live alone...

What time do you go to bed?: Usually between 11 and 12 PM. But, sometimes earlier sometimes later depending on classes.

What's your bed like?: Small, hard and dormish

What is your usual bedtime routine?: Study til I pass out :D

Tue Sep 21, 2004 8:33 pm

What do you wear (or not!) for bed?: Either nothing, or the clothes that I wore for the day

What time do you go to bed?: For school, it can be anywhere from 9 - 11 (whatever I feel like) and for weekends or breaks, whenever I feel like it.

What's your bed like?: Small, broken in, worn

What is your usual bedtime routine?: Listen the radio and sometimes... sing >.> I also "rock" a lot (that's what my mother calls it) which just consists of me moving my head back and forth in a very strange fashion... don't ask.

Tue Sep 21, 2004 8:41 pm

What do you wear (or not!) for bed?: The same clothing I wore all day.

What time do you go to bed?: Depends. Usually past midnight.

What's your bed like?:, a bed. Its your usual bed with pink, yellow, white, blue and green covers and pink and white checked sheets and 2 pillows that match..then 2 white lacey pillows, a neck roll pillow and a normal, square pillow, both matching the cover..I'm not really fond of the pink part but the lacey pillows are actually kind of pretty..and thats a lot from me.

What is your usual bedtime routine?: Stay up on the computer untill I walk over and pass out, mom forces me and I just crash or I lay and bed and read then I pass out..:D I don't have the usual brush your teeth and change your clothing thing either..I'm working on the teeth thing but I don't think I'll ever change my clothing because pjamas and nightgowns (Nightgowns are too much like dresses..dresses and I do not agree.) are usually to pink and frilly or just don't have a design I like.
Last edited by Kitten Medli on Tue Oct 19, 2004 4:53 am, edited 4 times in total.

Tue Sep 21, 2004 8:42 pm

What do you wear (or not!) for bed?:
Pyjamas. woohoo. OK, the ones I have on now are a yellow tshirt and multicoloured stripey pants.

What time do you go to bed?: Well. I go to my bed around...11. I used to end up turning my light out and going to sleep around 1, 2 AM. Now I've got painkillers that make me drowsy so I end up lights out/going to sleep around half 11-12 PM.

What's your bed like?: Single bed with a duvet..

What is your usual bedtime routine?: Read a little bit. Go to sleep around midnight when knocked out by painkillers slightly :P. Wake up anytime between half 2 and half 5. Mess around for at least an hour/lie in bed for at least an hour. Go back to sleep. Wake up between 7 and 8.

Tue Sep 21, 2004 9:07 pm

What do you wear (or not!) for bed?: Completely random comfy clothes

What time do you go to bed?: 11:30 - 12:00 during the week and whenever I want at the weekend

What's your bed like?: Comfy and purple. That's about it.

What is your usual bedtime routine?: Get a drink, brush teeth ect. then read. Sometimes write in my diary but I'm not good at keeping up with that
Last edited by Raze on Thu Sep 23, 2004 6:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Sep 21, 2004 10:23 pm

What do you wear (or not!) for bed?: A pair of shorts

What time do you go to bed?: 10pm-2am

What's your bed like?: Queen Sized with two rugs and a tiger print rug on top.

What is your usual bedtime routine?: Brush Teeth, use toilet, do 45 pushups, do 30 situps, stretch, go to bed.

Tue Sep 21, 2004 10:26 pm

What do you wear (or not!) for bed?: Usually I'm too tired to change, so I usually wear what I wore during the day. But, I have been known to wear excessively large in size t-shirts.

What time do you go to bed?: Eh... usually 10:00 PM Saturday-Thursday, and anywhere from 10:00 to 12:00 on Fridays.

What's your bed like?: Right now? Well, it isn't messy- but it isn't made up, either. I don't make my bed unless company comes over- I don't see the need to do it when I'm just going to mess it up again around 16 hours later.

What is your usual bedtime routine?: First, I shut down the computer. Next, I usually watch television or doze until I decide to go to bed.
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