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It's my birthday - I am now legally an adult. Holy crap.

Sat Sep 05, 2009 6:45 pm

Why hello there PPT. Just thought I'd drop by to let you know that today is my birthday. I am now 18 years old.
Just reminding you all that I remember posting that it was my 12th birthday many moons ago. I feel old. And if you remember that, then congratulations, you feel old now too!

Feel free to wish me a happy birthday, or discuss how old you feel after being on PPT for over 6 years. :D

Re: It's my birthday - I am now legally an adult. Holy crap.

Sat Sep 05, 2009 7:25 pm

Hey happy birthday sorry I don't have time to do more than that

Re: It's my birthday - I am now legally an adult. Holy crap.

Sat Sep 05, 2009 11:08 pm

Happy Birthday Zero! Just remember, if you're a USian, you have to register for the draft in the next 7 years. So, you know...get on that.

Also, you now have to do things like pay bills, get a job, learn to do your own laundry and brush your teeth without being told.

All in all, being of age STINKS.

Re: It's my birthday - I am now legally an adult. Holy crap.

Sun Sep 06, 2009 1:26 am

Happy Birthday Zero! :)


Hope you had an exciting day and a nice birthday cake! :)

Re: It's my birthday - I am now legally an adult. Holy crap.

Sun Sep 06, 2009 2:45 am

Happy Birthday, Zero! Here's a Lelouch cake:

Re: It's my birthday - I am now legally an adult. Holy crap.

Mon Sep 07, 2009 6:58 am

Happy Birthday, Zero!

Being 18 is awesome. Enjoy it. You can now legally drink.... no wait, you can't. That changed about umm... back in the 80s.

But you can now legally vote and be drafted. Like Shapu said, be sure to register for the draft (are they doing that again?).

Heh. It's great to be "old", isn't it?

Hope your BD is all you wanted it to be :)
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