Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
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Tue Jan 27, 2009 3:39 am

I really hate to pry into like admin/mod business, but with so many people leaving lately, I cannot help but wonder what kind of major event triggered so many longtime members to say goodbye. If this was in late March or April, I would honestly think it was an April Fool's joke. Most of the people who left made reference to staff conflict, and I believe that some kind of official statement should be made by Kym or another higher up staff member. The departure of so many old friends is troubling at best, and while gritty details don't need to be explained, I feel like we're being left out in the dark on this issue.

Re: Explanation?

Tue Jan 27, 2009 5:34 am

Cyanna made a post here, maybe it'll ease your mind a little:


Re: Explanation?

Tue Jan 27, 2009 8:11 am

I totally missed that, thanks for the heads up :3

Re: Explanation?

Wed Jan 28, 2009 3:05 am

I'm curious too, but I also think that discussing it wouldn't do anyone any good. As much as I hate to suggest it, we (i.e. the standard membership) can do nothing better than hanging tight. And in point of fact, I DO suggest that that's a very good thing to do.

If you're friends with any of those who have left, and you discuss the exodus, for Pete's sake don't start talking about it here. I don't really care who's right or who's wrong, but I *do* care about the forums and I don't want what may be well-meaning information dissemination turning into a great big recrimintory clusterbomb.

And, for those who are relative newcomers (relative to ME, anyway), there have been membership turnovers in the past. I can think back to a lot of great forum contributors who are no longer here and who, it seems, all left around the same time: V3n0m, Pidge/Red Mage, Magenta, Jim, Bob...the list goes on.

So for those who, like me, are sticking around for whatever reason (I don't know any better, so there you go ;) ), don't panic. This ain't the Titanic.

edited fer speeling.
Last edited by shapu on Wed Jan 28, 2009 3:41 am, edited 2 times in total.

Re: Explanation?

Wed Jan 28, 2009 3:38 am

*smacks Shapu with a fish*


Re: Explanation?

Wed Jan 28, 2009 3:40 am

Mmmm...I smell like dinner....

Re: Explanation?

Wed Jan 28, 2009 4:22 am

shapu wrote:Mmmm...I smell like dinner....

*watches cats roll around on Shapu*

Indeed you do!

Re: Explanation?

Wed Jan 28, 2009 4:57 am

ahoteinrun wrote:*smacks Shapu with a fish*


Before I went back to working nights I worked on the Meat Wall, and we would always wonder how much it would hurt to be slapped in the face with a (untrimmed) brisket.

Re: Explanation?

Wed Jan 28, 2009 5:05 am

Nessa wrote:
ahoteinrun wrote:*smacks Shapu with a fish*


Before I went back to working nights I worked on the Meat Wall, and we would always wonder how much it would hurt to be slapped in the face with a (untrimmed) brisket.

My brother slaughters pigs for a living. Their plant is less then... er... reputable and is going under (my brothers just a joe-guy worker, not the boss, he works hard, but his boss/owner is a idiot). Well he forgot to pay the plants power bills (clue one that the guys an idiot) and the 50+ year old war vet who worked the cooler was *ahem* accidentally locked in with a hanging bunch of dead pigs.


For two hours.

So anyways. The point of the story is, once you spend two hours running around with dead pigs hanging all around you, a brisket would be pleasant.

Re: Explanation?

Wed Jan 28, 2009 5:17 am

ahoteinrun wrote:
Nessa wrote:
ahoteinrun wrote:*smacks Shapu with a fish*


Before I went back to working nights I worked on the Meat Wall, and we would always wonder how much it would hurt to be slapped in the face with a (untrimmed) brisket.

My brother slaughters pigs for a living. Their plant is less then... er... reputable and is going under (my brothers just a joe-guy worker, not the boss, he works hard, but his boss/owner is a idiot). Well he forgot to pay the plants power bills (clue one that the guys an idiot) and the 50+ year old war vet who worked the cooler was *ahem* accidentally locked in with a hanging bunch of dead pigs.


For two hours.

So anyways. The point of the story is, once you spend two hours running around with dead pigs hanging all around you, a brisket would be pleasant.

....I would've crawled into a fetal position and cried.

Re: Explanation?

Wed Jan 28, 2009 5:29 am

....I would've crawled into a fetal position and cried.[/quote]

So would have I. Or I would have found a corner, curled into a fetal position and cried. Honestly the guy hasn't been back to work and it's been like a month. Either he's not coming back or he's plotting revenge.

Re: Explanation?

Wed Jan 28, 2009 5:58 am

ahoteinrun wrote:
Nessa wrote:....I would've crawled into a fetal position and cried.

So would have I. Or I would have found a corner, curled into a fetal position and cried. Honestly the guy hasn't been back to work and it's been like a month. Either he's not coming back or he's plotting revenge.

Revenge = sue the pants off the company.

At least that's the American way.

More to the point, I've picked up tidbits here and there and I feel like I have a basic understanding of the situation. However, I don't feel comfortable talking about it as it's secondhand info at best, and some of it is probably staff-confidential.

I will say that I'm sad to see so many members who have made substantial contributions to this site leave. I wish them all the best and I hope to keep in touch. I will also say that the current and incoming staff will need to take a long, hard look at themselves and decide what direction this site will go in the near future. Will PPT re-emerge as an attractive, informative Neopets fansite with a rich history? I hope so.

Re: Explanation?

Wed Jan 28, 2009 6:01 am

I would have made a fort out of the pig carcasses and bombarded whoever came to get me out with socks. I'm not sure where I'd get the socks from (other than my own of course) but that's just a minor flaw in my otherwise glorious plan

Re: Explanation?

Wed Jan 28, 2009 6:42 am

TDG wrote:I would have made a fort out of the pig carcasses and bombarded whoever came to get me out with socks. I'm not sure where I'd get the socks from (other than my own of course) but that's just a minor flaw in my otherwise glorious plan

I'd have preferred to make the fort out of socks and ambush people with bits of pig carcasses, but that's just me...

I would like to see an "official" PPT response on the direction of the site, but it looks like we'll have to wait for that.

Re: Explanation?

Wed Jan 28, 2009 9:57 am

ahoteinrun wrote:[

The only way I would go back to that job is with a maglight the size of a lamp post, and a thousand batteries.
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