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Unintentionally Hilarious Internet Forums

Fri Dec 26, 2008 7:49 am

As a Neopets fan site, we're a pretty niche forum. Still, there's not a whole lot to be made fun of. But what I've quickly found after being on the internet or years is that there's a forum for EVERYONE. Even people who like to roleplay as historical ships: ... out12.html

THEGERATTITANICCHICK wrote:Titanic raced on over the cold waters of the North Atlantic.

"THEY'RE RIGHT BEHIND US!" Herman shouted to Nimble, "And closing in!"

"CRAP ON A CRUST!" Nimble shouted, "I don't mean to be pushy Ti, but GET THE LEAD OUT!"

"Lousy salvagers!" Titanic thought to himself, "They wont quit until I'm back in their possesion."

Titanic knew full well what those salvagers would do to him if they ever got ahold of him, but what really scared them is what would they do to his mage and best friend.

He was already severly weakned and his hull racked with pain, Titanic then begaun to think to himself, "I don't know how much more of this i can take"

It was then he hoped against hope and said a silent prayer to the goddess for some help. For he knew that by amonunt of oil he had lost, he wasn't going to keep up this pace forever.

What are some other unintentionally funny forums you've seen? Silly fanfiction, weird special interest groups, and Twilight fan clubs are usually interesting. This is not a plugging thread. Also, be sure your forum is safe for work and appropriate before you post it.

Re: Unintentionally Hilarious Internet Forums

Sun Dec 28, 2008 2:21 am


I can't think of any right now, but I'm sure I'll think of some later.
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