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What is your alignment?

Lawful Good
Neutral Good
Chaotic Good
Lawful Neutral
No votes
True Neutral
Chaotic Neutral
Lawful Evil
Neutral Evil
No votes
Chaotic Evil
No votes
Total votes : 21

What is your Alignment? (In D&D)

Tue Nov 27, 2007 7:40 pm

What is your Alignment?

You scored as a Lawful Evil
A Lawful Evil person is someone who respects laws, customs, or traditions, but will try to bend them to suit their own needs. These people have little concern for others they hurt, being intrinsically self motivated. Despite this, they value order and obedience to authority.
Lawful Evil 85%
Chaotic Good 75%
Chaotic Evil 70%
Lawful Good 70%
Chaotic Neutral 60%
True Neutral 55%
Neutral Good 55%
Neutral Evil 40%
Lawful Neutral 30%

I'd have figured Chaotic evil myself..
What about you?

Re: What is your Alignment? (In D&D)

Tue Nov 27, 2007 9:18 pm

What is your Alignment?
You scored as a Lawful Evil
A Lawful Evil person is someone who respects laws, customs, or traditions, but will try to bend them to suit their own needs. These people have little concern for others they hurt, being intrinsically self motivated. Despite this, they value order and obedience to authority.
Lawful Evil 95%
Chaotic Good 75%
True Neutral 70%
Neutral Evil 65%
Chaotic Evil 65%
Lawful Good 60%
Lawful Neutral 55%
Neutral Good 45%
Chaotic Neutral 40%

And I was thinking more on the good side. :(

Nah, I fully acknowledge my evilness. :evil:

Re: What is your Alignment? (In D&D)

Tue Nov 27, 2007 9:24 pm

Apparently I'm not particularly evil. :)
You scored as a Neutral Good
A Neutral Good person tries to do the 'goodest' thing possible. These people are willing to work with the law to accomplish their goal, but if the law is corrupt they are just as willing to tear it down. To these people, doing what's right is the most important thing, regardless of rules, customs, or laws.
Neutral Good 65%
Lawful Neutral 65%
Lawful Good 55%
True Neutral 50%
Chaotic Neutral 50%
Lawful Evil 40%
Chaotic Good 40%
Chaotic Evil 40%
Neutral Evil 20%

Re: What is your Alignment? (In D&D)

Tue Nov 27, 2007 9:46 pm

:roll: I don't quite agree.

You scored as a Chaotic Neutral
A Chaotic Neutral person is someone who is self-motivated to the extreme. Thier actions may sometimes confuse others, due to their lack of moral affiliation. They have little respect for laws, and avoid both the temptation of evil and a feeling of duty to do good. These people can go along with either side of an argument- as long as they benifit from the result!
Chaotic Neutral
Lawful Evil
Chaotic Evil
Chaotic Good
True Neutral
Lawful Neutral
Lawful Good
Neutral Good
Neutral Evil

Re: What is your Alignment? (In D&D)

Tue Nov 27, 2007 10:27 pm

You scored as a True Neutral
A True Neutral person has two faces- either these people are merely apathetic, preferring to focus their minds on more important things, or these people truly believe in a balance of all things. To these people, there can be no light without some darkness. These people also have no dedication to, or intrinsic distrust of, laws.

Tied with Lawful Evil at 70%. According to the others in the room when I got that result, this result is impossible. I like being impossible.

The rest (in order):
Lawful Neutral
Lawful Good
Chaotic Good
Neutral Good
Neutral Evil
Chaotic Neutral
Chaotic Evil

Re: What is your Alignment? (In D&D)

Tue Nov 27, 2007 11:16 pm

You scored as a Chaotic Good
A Chaotic Good person is someone who has little intrinsic respect for laws or authority, seeing them as insufficient to sustain what's right. These people work according to their own moral compass which, while good, is not necessarily always aligned with that of society. Despite their chaotic tendancies, these people are good at heart.

Interesting...I actually think that's pretty spot on.

Re: What is your Alignment? (In D&D)

Tue Nov 27, 2007 11:20 pm

True Neutral by far. I'm not too sure what that says about me.

Re: What is your Alignment? (In D&D)

Tue Nov 27, 2007 11:59 pm

You scored as a True Neutral
A True Neutral person has two faces- either these people are merely apathetic, preferring to focus their minds on more important things, or these people truly believe in a balance of all things. To these people, there can be no light without some darkness. These people also have no dedication to, or intrinsic distrust of, laws.
True Neutral
Lawful Evil
Chaotic Evil
Lawful Good
Lawful Neutral
Neutral Good
Chaotic Good
Neutral Evil
Chaotic Neutral

Hunh. Wouldn't have picked that, but it fits

Re: What is your Alignment? (In D&D)

Wed Nov 28, 2007 12:34 am

Lawful Evil, Chaotic Evil, and Chaotic Neutral all tied on 65%

Re: What is your Alignment? (In D&D)

Wed Nov 28, 2007 3:05 am

A Lawful Evil person is someone who respects laws, customs, or traditions, but will try to bend them to suit their own needs. These people have little concern for others they hurt, being intrinsically self motivated. Despite this, they value order and obedience to authority.
Lawful Evil 60%
True Neutral 60%
Neutral Good 60%
Chaotic Good 55%
Lawful Neutral 55%
Chaotic Evil 40%
Lawful Good 40%
Neutral Evil 35%
Chaotic Neutral 35%

I'm surprised by that result. It really doesn't fit me at all.

Re: What is your Alignment? (In D&D)

Wed Nov 28, 2007 6:32 am

What is your Alignment?
You scored as a Lawful Evil
A Lawful Evil person is someone who respects laws, customs, or traditions, but will try to bend them to suit their own needs. These people have little concern for others they hurt, being intrinsically self motivated. Despite this, they value order and obedience to authority.
Lawful Evil
True Neutral
Neutral Good
Chaotic Good
Neutral Evil
Lawful Neutral
Chaotic Evil
Lawful Good
Chaotic Neutral

i was a bit surpried at my results.......

Re: What is your Alignment? (In D&D)

Wed Nov 28, 2007 8:54 am

Skynetmain wrote:
You scored as a True Neutral
A True Neutral person has two faces- either these people are merely apathetic, preferring to focus their minds on more important things, or these people truly believe in a balance of all things. To these people, there can be no light without some darkness. These people also have no dedication to, or intrinsic distrust of, laws.

Tied with Lawful Evil at 70%. According to the others in the room when I got that result, this result is impossible. I like being impossible.

really? impossible?'s mine

You scored as a True Neutral

True Neutral
Neutral Good
Lawful Evil
Lawful Good
Lawful Neutral
Chaotic Evil
Chaotic Neutral
Neutral Evil
Chaotic Good

Tied with Neutral Good & Lawful Evil. Does that make me an even more impossible person? o_O

Re: What is your Alignment? (In D&D)

Wed Nov 28, 2007 9:00 am

*Looks at results*

'Welcome to PPT, if we ain't evil, we don't care!'

Re: What is your Alignment? (In D&D)

Wed Nov 28, 2007 11:06 am

Christopher wrote:*Looks at results*

'Welcome to PPT, if we ain't evil, we don't care!'

And even then we're evil anyway.

True Neutral is about balance, and while many RPGers say it's an impossible alignment, those people tend to be the ones who complain when Chaotic alignments show order.

Re: What is your Alignment? (In D&D)

Wed Nov 28, 2007 3:18 pm

What is your Alignment?
You scored as a True Neutral
A True Neutral person has two faces- either these people are merely apathetic, preferring to focus their minds on more important things, or these people truly believe in a balance of all things. To these people, there can be no light without some darkness. These people also have no dedication to, or intrinsic distrust of, laws.
True Neutral
Lawful Good
Lawful Evil
Neutral Good
Lawful Neutral
Chaotic Good
Chaotic Neutral
Chaotic Evil
Neutral Evil

Add another True Neutral to the pile! lol I usually play Chaotic Good, though. ;)
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